Wireless to Wireless Bridge?


Limp Gawd
Oct 7, 2011
Not sure if bridge is the right term or not.

What I have is an access point [A] and I need to take access point and wirelessly connect to [A] then use to create a new broadcast & network. So wirelessly [A] would be the WAN for and would have a new SSID with DHCP etc.

I have a few Linksys E1000 loaded with DD-WRT but I'm not sure if I can get this to work. Ideas?
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So your using an AP with dual radios, one radio for the bridge and the other for WAP? I tried this with Engenius. Ended up calling tech supprt about connection drops and found out the radios interfere with each other when activated together. Maybe if one radio is 2.4GHz and the other at 5GHz?
if A is 5GHz and B is a dual band, you might be able to do it.. (you can also make B into two devices, one as a client bridge and the second as a regular wap)