wireless stress teste?


Feb 14, 2005
whats a good program to test wireless/ stress it
I ask because i had a set of drivers for my 2200b/g and they updated them and i want to see if they are as stable
they cut out the other day but i dont know if that was windows or the drivers
theres also a new "stickyness" option which at home i figure id leave at min since its Always worked, never needed to switch routers, and at school they suck.. so ill have to change often so knowing the limits there would be good too
(im basiclly looking for something i can run over night to constantly ping a.site.com and see if the signals ever dropped/lost)
my "old" method was sending myself an IM and leaving the window open, if the person signed off/ or mystierisly signed on again id know it dropped it..
Go to Start Menu, Run, type in CMD and hit enter. Type ping <URL or IP address> -t and hit enter. When you want to stop, hit Ctrl-C and it will tell you how many pings were sent, min ping, max ping, average ping, and how many pings were lost.

I don't know if constant overnight pinging to a web server is really very friendly or not. It might make more sense to ping your own wireless router ( or something similar). Dropped packets to an internet website factors in a lot of other variables anyway; ones you aren't trying to test.
Wireless stresses your testes???

DAMN!!! *Runs to unplug all wireless devices in the house* :eek: