Wireless Security Topics?


Limp Gawd
Aug 31, 2005
So for my first graduate course I have to write a research paper (15-20 pages) which I dont think will be much of a problem. However, the paper has to be on wireless security and I dont really even know where to begin. I was thinking of having a section on WEP, but I doubt that will be more than a couple pages...sooo, I'm asking you guys, what are other topics involved in Wireless Security.

Once I have ideas I'll know what to research, but as of right now I'm kind of stuck. Also, if you know of good resources, include em :)
A history on the old outdated WEP
Go into WPA, WPA2, WPA Enterprise
Captive Portals
There are people who "wardrive" by this the going around in cars trying to find "Hot Spots" (Unsecured Wireless) from people's houses. Doing a Google search will bring up lots of ideas for wireless security and also might try out Wikipedia for information on wireless.
Ok, so the paper is due in about a week and I have about 10 pages...is there anything else you can thing of? Any resources you know of?
You can BS for a long time about different types of antennas.

Taking this further...

I'm in Houston. When I'm downtown, I find the majority of APs are secured. When you go to the "less than nice" areas of town, I find the majority of APs are also secured. ATT and their 2wire DSL modems are popular down here. In the $$$ areas, fewer of the APs are secured. This was only taken from a small sample size (a few neighboorhoods). I'm sure you could do a similar survey in your city and BS about perceived security/safety among different demographics.
You can always discuss the risk of rogue access points attached to corporate networks, methods for identifying, etc...

You can also discuss the tools necessary to perform wirless security assessments - i.e. antenna, GPS, and software such as BackTrack's collection, Kismet, AiroDump, etc...

You can also discuss why WEP is easily crackable and WPA2 isn't (and everythign in between) - like how WEP simply takes packet injection to get a few hashes and its toast in a few minutes...