Wireless networkand Astak CM-818T wireless cameras


Jul 23, 2010
Okay my dad just put up another Astak camera that is 2.4ghz wireless and now signal is dropping or not there. My router is a wrt54gl, it was fine with 1 camera but now with 2 its wireless is shit.

Does it seem that the camera signal is too strong with 2 cameras? Also the camera are in the kitchen(50ft away from receiver) and my router is 6ft from me in the same room and I cannot get wireless now. My mom can somewhat and she is in the same room as the camera receiver! The receiver is in the adjacent room.

Help. Cannot do cable drops because we will be redoing the house and the garage will be the living room, and the router will be moved....

EDIT: Okay got somewhere, I figured out that the cameras are on 1 and 4 channel and I moved my wireless network to channel 11 and now I am connected again. I guess channel 9 was too close to the cameras channel and possible overlap of frequencies?
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