Wireless network, not reliable at all?


Jul 30, 2007
Hi folks. Hope you are all alright.

I know wireless will never be as reliable as wires, but technology progressed and wireless is very convenient......BUT, i'm facing a problem and I'm dying to know the reason behind it. We have a wireless router in building and in a building next to it, people can see the router and connect to it with good to very good signal. It connects well, about 24 Mbps. I can get an ip address BUT there is no internet access. There are 3 walls between the laptop and the router, but the signal is there so I don't know if that really matters.

Now, open the door, go outside, signal will go to very good--excellent and internet will open. Why is that?

To me that's a weird behavior, I don't know about you. Have you seen something like this?

I'll run a cable from the router and put an access point. So while at it, please recommend me an acces point. I want the best that is not going to kill my pocket.
The signal meter isn't necessarily particularly informative - if there's a lot of signal, but also plenty of noise, you'll have trouble with the connection.

If you are looking for something omnidirectional/short-range and indoor, I am able to get insane range with this combination:

Be sure to put the adapter in G-only mode. They are made to work well with a powerful signal & high noise. The range is very impressive.
Wireless stinks nothing new. The windows wireless utility once connected isn't the most reliable, I have found a better guide at strength is when you disconnect and try to browse then you can see a better idea.

As far as an ap goes I like the dlink dap wifi n one. Under 100, blanket the place with a few of em