Wireless Laptop Cards


Feb 8, 2004
Company is looking too buy wireless laptop cards for most of our laptops. The main purpose for this is for on the road internet access, cafe/hotel hotspots. What kind of cards should we look at getting, is 802.11a being used anymore? Should we just pickup some basic netgear 802.11b/g cards, or should we shell out some more cash and get dual band 802.11a/b/g cards? Also what cards have the greatest distance, since these will mostly be used on the road. Were looking at buying 5-10 at the moment and maybe more later, i suppose newegg.com would be the best place too purchase them?

Linksys cards work well for what their designed for, basic use all around, though apparently their range isn't that great. Cards from CISCO iv'e heard are real good and great range but your gonna pay an arm and a leg for them. I don't consider the 802.11a series worth the money and from what i've seen, the benefits arn't that great either in comparison, stick with the G series.
i have not run into anyone that reallly uses the wireless A networking in a business setting. Most i have encountered habve been B since B was the emerging standard when many businesses decided to incorporate wireless netwoorks, IMHO. I may be wrong, but i believe the wireless G that are backwards compatable with B are the best bet.

when ordering, i think newegg offers discounts on 10 or more. I would contact them directly if you are making a bulk order. I think the account reps have some flexibility in pricing if it is a larger order.
just go G it will be backwards compliant with anything except whichever one tansmits on a 5ghz freq (the letter has escaped me at the moment). Dont worry about A, no one uses it anymore.