wireless + gigabit switch help?


Jun 19, 2006
so i need to network my house.
my main rigs and modem are in the basement.

i use a IPCOP box as my router > 8port gigabit switch which has 3 pc on it..
now,, i have my big tv upstairs.. and plan to put a HTPC there..

running a cable is way too much trouble. is it possible to hook up a wireless AP/bridge/router to the switch, or ipcop box?

if i can get wireless to work upstairs, ill plan to either put in a NAS or fileserver downstairs (making it the 4th gigabit device) afterwards.. so i can share stuff on the network for all PCs
would i be able to get the wireless HTPC to see this fileserver which is gonna be on the switch, not the wireless network?

or should i need to connect the wireless ap/bridge to the ipcop box.. but will it see the gigabit network?
Connect the WAP to the switch. Using the HTPC wirelessly might not get the results you want though. Streaming HD (with b/g) is next to impossible.
is there any way to add a wireless pci card to your ipcop box?

otherwise, yeah, wireless ap plugged into the switch should be good.

i have a 1.3tb vista box in the basement that runs orb, thousands of music and video files, skype and winamp shoutcast. all on a 2600+ cpu. works great, its on 24/7 and is the center of all my media. all 3 other machines i have can be turned off anytime and sleep whenever, its nice to not have to worry what pc is on that has whatever file youre looking for...
oo i guess ill look into looking at a good value AP then..

any good suggestions?
I have had good luck streaming 1080p content over Linksys Powerline Networking products. They are pricey, but easier then running a cable, and a whole hell of alot better then 802.11a/b/g/n.

The fastest versions transfer at 100Mbps, more then fast enough for anything you could ever want to stream.
I'd go powerline. Will get you better transfers than wireless...especially a wireless bridge.

Otherwise the linksys wireless bridge is pretty good. I've had good luck with it. I think the model is WAP54g
is there any way to add a wireless pci card to your ipcop box?

Yes there is, I have a wireless PCI card running in a IPCOP box as teh Blue interface. This is on a separate subnet which is more secure but if you are looking for easy filesharing between wireless computers and the wired ro Green interface this is not the route to go, you have to open up DMZ pinholes and use ip addresses for navigation between subnets.

If you want to do this lookup wlanap (http://www.ban-solms.de/t/IPCop-wlanap.html). You will need a certain pci card, usually an atheros chipset will work. There are almost no 802.11n pci cards that work but a bunch of G cards taht do.