Wired Makes 2007 Predictions

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Wired has made a self professed ”wild” list of predictions for the year ahead. Some of the predictions do live up to the “wild” moniker such as Google’s stock hitting the $1,000 mark but other predictions like HD-DVD winning the format war don’t seem so far fetched. The list is entertaining to say the least.

Google Stock Hits $1,000 per Share. HD-DVD is the clear winner over Blu-ray in the DVD format wars. Oh yeah, and the PS3 is a bust.
Both you and Wired magazine have spelled HD DVD incorrectly. It happens all the time though
so don't be too embarrassed. I am a moderator over at High-Def Digest and misspelling of both
format names happens all the time despite my best efforts.
The satirical list is even better than the "real" one (I disagree about HD-DVD winning, and personally hope it doesn't...). To quote:

wired said:
Aliens from the planet Rylos descend upon the planet and reveal that they gave Nintendo the technology for the Wii so they could train and recruit young people to fight in their desperate interplanetary battle for freedom. One brave teenager volunteers to fight for them, but the war is lost when the wrist strap on his starfighter breaks.

The battle between HD-DVD and Blu-ray continues apace, with many consumers delaying purchases until a clear winner appears. The industry attempts to break the deadlock by introducing several new competing HD standards for video, including Sqa-ray, which is encoded on square discs, HD-DVD-SF, which uses lasers that make a science-fictiony "pew pew" noise when they fire, and UweVision, which will refuse to play any movie directed by Uwe Boll.
"Skullduggery in Second Life -- probably digital adultery -- ends in a real-life murder."

This already happened. So no real prediction here.

Some of these predictions are sure wild.
The HD DVD one will be easy to varify by next week. If after CES, no Studios on the BD side go neutral or completely switch sides, then HD DVD isn't winning anything.
LynxFX said:
The HD DVD one will be easy to varify by next week. If after CES, no Studios on the BD side go neutral or completely switch sides, then HD DVD isn't winning anything.

we can hope cant we? i hope BR crashes and burns personally
Not me, I don't want to be stuck with another format that is already limited. On the A/V side, there is nothing that HD DVD has over BD. Any discrepancies in picture quality is a fault of the Studios and their authoring of the masters.

BD has more space, more bandwidth, and right now more support. As a format for both film and storage, BD is the winner. Now had any of the holographic discs actually stepped up and proved their tech and gotten support, I would be all over that. But they didn't. All we are getting as a consumer is BD or HD DVD for an HD optical format and it will be that way for probably the better part of a decade.