WinXP Pro activation?

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Paradox Is a PG

Jul 16, 2003
As most of you probably know when you load WinXP Pro and boot up it wants you to activate and register and what not. My friend tells me that there is no need for activation anymore, that microsoft threw that rule out because people were bitching.

Anyway, to the point, I was trying cd-keys for half an hour and he tells me not to activate, my question would be is he full of crap and is my OS gonna crash in 30 days?

your friend doesn't know anything.

activation is still very much around and you will be forced to activate within 30 days. if its not accepting your cdkeys, call microsoft and they will issue you a new one.
Don't listen to anything he says. You must legally activate your xp install. Trying cd-keys for half an hour? I can only assume this to mean different keys.. which means you don't own them... which means go buy it and you have nothing to worry about.

However, if you own a legal copy, just call the number provided when it says it won't activate and an MS representative will be happy to help you.
Well I have found myself those activations keys don´t always work well. I think if you add to much new stuff in your computer windows XP don´t recognize it well.

But don´t worry. Your computer won´t shut down after 30 days. You just have to activate it in order to continue using the operating system.

And you can call support too if it don´t work for you. I have had to done that a couple of times when the normal way to do it didn´t work.

But the last time I reformatted it activated itself magically so I don´t know if it´s randomized this activation scheme or something.
Originally posted by Paradox Is a PG
I was trying cd-keys for half an hour

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it was a simple question, one that was allowed, your elaboration of it however (see above) clearly indicates illegal activity, as any legitimate copy would have a single key.

This is your first warning
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