WinXP: offline files sync warning


Jun 11, 2004
WinXP client, Win2k Active Directory domain, each users's "home folder" is redirected to a server share. When each WinXP client logs off, they receive a warning, stating that:

"Offline files: Unable to make blah.pst available offline on \\server\personal\username. Files of this type cannot be made available offline."

Microsoft says this is by design (see their KB) , and I understand that part, but how do we get it to stop warning them? Every single time they log off, they get these warnings, and then call the HelpDesk and think their PC is going to blow up.
Question is do you want to sync files or not? You can easily turn it off in control panel/folder options.
Sync files and folders is so that the files are available if the network drive becomes unavailable.