winXP locking during start up ?

BoBo 007

Jan 8, 2002
I am lost on this one.
The machine will lock 'sometimes' during startup
It locks up during the black screen right after you see the Windows XP slash screen with the progress bar.
I'm not sure what windows is loading at this point.
After it locks up, if I reset, it wont post
It will display the CPU info and then lockup.
I shut it off and try again and it will start ok most times.
So one question is; what is windows loading during the black screen, right after the splash screen?
any ideas ?
If you are also getting lockups during the post, I am doubting that the OS is the problem. First step I would suggest would be to reseat all of your hardware. Check your temps and make sure your PSU is up to snuff for your hardware as well.
I'm sure its hardware, I'd like to know what drivers windows is loading at that point
I think it might be the video, not sure.
Have you overclocked your system? Try raising the vcore and ram voltages.
This is an intermintent problem,,,,its not constant, its got me pissed off
Yeah the system is over clocked !
I was running @4002 once.
I backed it down to stock till I get this figured out
here are the spec's
Abit IC7 Max 3
P4 3.2 (now running 3.2)
Corsair XMS pc4000
(also swaped W/ XMS pc3200)
ATI 9700
2 raptors raid 0 on the ICH5
and a Highpoint PCI pushing 4 WD 80G JB's
assorted DVD/cd cathodes blah blah blah
I am using a promie, and H2O on the North bridge and the 9700
Power supply is a antec 550W