WinXP Home and licenses, a couple of questions.


Sep 26, 2003
If I understand correctly, if you wanted to install Windows XP Home on multiple computers, you would only need 1 copy of the software, and a license for every computer. Is this correct?

I thought it was correct. I bought a copy of WinXP Home, and when I try to install it on other computers using other, valid licenses, it won't take them. The winxp install will ONLY take the license key included with the CD in the box.

Am I doing something wrong? Is there something extra I have to do to make the installer recognize the license key?

Thanks for any info.
and more specifically, I have an HP laptop that came preloaded with all kind of bloat ware. There's a sticker, "Certificate of Authenticity" on the bottom of the laptop.

I was going to use my store bought WinXP Home, and format/install it on the laptop, using the key from the sticker on the bottom of the laptop. Why won't the winxp installer accept the key?

The computer didn't come with a fresh copy of XP, it only came with "Restore Disks" which is basically a Ghost Image of the OS + a few gigs of other bloatware...


ok I found out the key on the bottom of the computer will only work with OEM versions of the OS. How can I obtain an OEM copy?

And would I have to have a copy from all the different vendors?
ex: will HP's OEM copy ONLY accept HP OEM keys?
Dell OEM copy ONLY accept Dell OEM keys? etc....

thanks for any info
You can try to find a buddy with an OEM version of WinXP. Then use his CD and YOUR key to install on the laptop. This would not be illegal because its your key being used, MS doesn't care which CD. It will be unsupported by HP though if you have to call them for support. As for installing XP on multiple machines, only legal way to do this is buy a copy of XP for each and every one. They all must have their own key, unless you buy volume licenses. Then you have one key that you are allowed to use as many times as you purchased licenses for it. With volume licenses you basically just use one CD, but you get a piece of paper stating you bought 5 licenses, etc. The whole "sticker with a key on it" is only for OEM and RETAIL and is to be used only once. All OEMs are the same. Dell and HP can modify it if they want, but it shouldnt affect the key since the key comes from MS.
ok so you're saying as long as I get an OEM copy of windows, I'll stay legit, and can use the OEM keys correct?

If this is legit, do you know of any places I could download an OEM copy of windows XP Home? Since I will be using it with legit OEM keys?
Thanks for any info.... and please modify this post if it's against the rules in anyway.
ok so you're saying as long as I get an OEM copy of windows, I'll stay legit, and can use the OEM keys correct?

If this is legit, do you know of any places I could download an OEM copy of windows XP Home? Since I will be using it with legit OEM keys?
Thanks for any info.... and please modify this post if it's against the rules in anyway.

Correct. I can tell from your wording that you aren't trying to be illegal. That or you're a good "post actor." :p XP isn't available for download anywhere, your best bet would be to go to a local computer store or a buddy and ask them to burn you a copy. There is no legal issue as far as I know in burning an XP CD since its useless without the key. Correct me anyone?
so, if I have a copy of Win XP Home that shipped with my Dell, I can just buy the additional license and install it on any other computer? and I can keep using that same cd to install it on other computers, as long as I purchase an additional license for each system?
I just want to be crystal clear on this.
drdeutsch said:
so, if I have a copy of Win XP Home that shipped with my Dell, I can just buy the additional license and install it on any other computer? and I can keep using that same cd to install it on other computers, as long as I purchase an additional license for each system?
I just want to be crystal clear on this.

That sounds about right. But I've heard that dell's oem disks are locked to dell PC's only. correct me if i'm wrong. and you'd have to get additional OEM licenses for the OEM copy.

I bet you could get oem keys for cheap off ebay
drdeutsch said:
so, if I have a copy of Win XP Home that shipped with my Dell, I can just buy the additional license and install it on any other computer? and I can keep using that same cd to install it on other computers, as long as I purchase an additional license for each system?
I just want to be crystal clear on this.

You can only use Dell CD's on the machine they came with due to BIOS locks that they use, not to mention that they will have customized it with drivers specific to your system generally. So technically yes, but logically no. When you "buy a license" you are buying a Volume version of XP. Its not the same CD, though it is the same operating system. No-one sells extra licenses for OEM versions since they are meant to be installed on one machine. So if you are wanting to install on multiple systems, you would either buy several OEM copies of Windows, or buy several licenses and purchase whats generally called a media CD that has a copy of WinXP on it designed for volume license keys. To buy volume licenses you have to start with a minimum purchase of 5 to get setup and all that. After that you can buy them one at a time. Obviously volume licenses are generally used in small businesses, corporations, or schools.
OldPueblo said:
Correct. I can tell from your wording that you aren't trying to be illegal. That or you're a good "post actor." :p

yes i am actually trying to stay legit. I am now the sole tech bench at an electronics chain with a big red dot :D

I don't have any professional tech experience, but I have been working at of my home for about 8, almost 9 years. I just want to cross all my T's and dot all my i's :)

and they didn't provide me with anything accept a makeshift shelf/desk in the returns section of the warehouse :p

90% of the customers so far are bringing in computers with borked OS's that either need to be restored or reinstalled. and 80% of the aforementioned 90% don't bring they're restore disks with them....
That sounds about right. But I've heard that dell's oem disks are locked to dell PC's only. correct me if i'm wrong. and you'd have to get additional OEM licenses for the OEM copy.

I bet you could get oem keys for cheap off ebay

Unfortunately some crooked admins that buy systems hundreds at a time but don't use the OEM keys because they use their companies volume keys, will sell the stickers for cheap. This is generally the source for all the cheap software spam companies saying "get XP for only $20" or whatever. Notice that you will only get a sticker and a license paper, no CD generally. And in many cases the sticker actually will have the original OEM name on it (sony, dell, compaq, etc).
90% of the customers so far are bringing in computers with borked OS's that either need to be restored or reinstalled. and 80% of the aforementioned 90% don't bring they're restore disks with them....

To protect yourself and your company, explain to them that you cannt reinstall their OS without their key. It should be on a sticker on the side of the case. If its not, then wherever they bought it didnt put the sticker on like they legally should, or they got illegal copies from whoever they bought it from (many people are suckered by this without knowing it). Everyone with an MS operating system should have a sticker, a license paper, and a CD. If they don't have one, and it didnt just get lost, they got screwed.
OldPueblo said:
To protect yourself and your company, explain to them that you cannt reinstall their OS without their key. It should be on a sticker on the side of the case.

the cd keys are not the issue, that's no problem, because you are right. Every computer we get here DOES have the cd key. It's just the problem of restoring/repairing the operating system. The store wrote off a retail copy of XP Home edition for me to use ... but the retail version does not accept OEM keys, and vice versa so that doesn't help me any.
OldPueblo said:
To protect yourself and your company, explain to them that you cannt reinstall their OS without their key. It should be on a sticker on the side of the case. If its not, then wherever they bought it didnt put the sticker on like they legally should, or they got illegal copies from whoever they bought it from (many people are suckered by this without knowing it). Everyone with an MS operating system should have a sticker, a license paper, and a CD. If they don't have one, and it didnt just get lost, they got screwed.

That should be kept in mind for local stores that sell their PC's with the OS included. Ever wonder why they sell their PC combos for so ridiculously cheap? That's why...

If this is legit, do you know of any places I could download an OEM copy of windows XP Home? Since I will be using it with legit OEM keys?

There are some unknown FTP sites with a full installer of Windows XP .iso's around. But it shall go unnamed. :p

OldPueblo said:
There is no legal issue as far as I know in burning an XP CD since its useless without the key. Correct me anyone?

Well, it's only useful for 30 days until you have to activate the copy otherwise it will lock you out afterwards.
