windows xp repair ..


Aug 12, 2006
Or is it called recovery. I never used this but i am wondering one thing.

I always format. When i once tried to use this i notice it alo wants to format. I am wondering if it just formats the windows files and leaves all the rest or does it whipe your hard drive clean again. As i said i never used it so i am unsure.

Not if you're talking about the recovery console. You can run it by booting from the windows xp cdrom, and hitting "R" when you're prompted. It will ask you if you want to repair an existing installation, or if you want to install a new version of windows (choose "R" for repair).

When it brings up the recovery console, it will ask you for the administrator password. This is the password you set up when you first install xp (a lot of people leave it blank for some odd reason :confused: ).

Once you're in the recovery console, you can use one of these 3 command lines:

chkdsk /f /r (I'm not real positive about the switches, but I think that's right if memory serves me correctly)

Those should be good enough to repair most window's xp problems. However, that won't get rid of any malware you might have attached to your box. For that, you'll need to run an antivirus, spyware scanner, or just reformat everything.

Hope that helps. GL. ;)
If you do it this way it won't format and you shouldn't loose any installed programs. If your original CD doesn't have sp2 integrated you will have to install sp2 again and all the rest of the windows updates.

XP Repair install

Boot the computer using the XP CD.
You may need to change the boot order in the system BIOS so the CD boots before the hard drive.
Check your system documentation for steps to access the BIOS and change the boot order.
When you see the "Welcome To Setup" screen, you will see the options below
This portion of the Setup program prepares Microsoft Windows XP to run on your computer:

To setup Windows XP now, press ENTER.

To repair a Windows XP installation using Recovery Console, press R.

To quit Setup without installing Windows XP, press F3.

Press Enter to start the Windows Setup.
Do not choose "To repair a Windows XP installation using the Recovery Console, press R", (you Do Not want to load Recovery Console).
I repeat, do not choose "To repair a Windows XP installation using the Recovery Console, press R".
Accept the License Agreement and Windows will search for existing Windows installations.
Select the XP installation you want to repair from the list and press R to start the repair.
Setup will copy the necessary files to the hard drive and reboot.
Do not press any key to boot from CD when the message appears.
Setup will continue as if it were doing a clean install, but your applications and settings will remain intact.
So this is what happened.

I let setup run. I agred f8. Went in like i was going to setup windows. I did not hit f2.

In there i hit R for repair. And it started working. I am guessing that it would have left all the other stuff i had alone. But i reformatted afterwards anyhow.
ballr4lyf said:
Not if you're talking about the recovery console. You can run it by booting from the windows xp cdrom, and hitting "R" when you're prompted. It will ask you if you want to repair an existing installation, or if you want to install a new version of windows (choose "R" for repair).

When it brings up the recovery console, it will ask you for the administrator password. This is the password you set up when you first install xp (a lot of people leave it blank for some odd reason :confused: ).

Once you're in the recovery console, you can use one of these 3 command lines:

chkdsk /f /r (I'm not real positive about the switches, but I think that's right if memory serves me correctly)

Those should be good enough to repair most window's xp problems. However, that won't get rid of any malware you might have attached to your box. For that, you'll need to run an antivirus, spyware scanner, or just reformat everything.

Hope that helps. GL. ;)

Got the order backwards, do a chkdsk /r first, than a fixboot, fixmbr