Windows XP Home Security Event Log


Limp Gawd
Aug 31, 2004

I am mostly a Linux user, but I got Windows XP home so I could try out some new games.

I was reading some web sites to learn how to improve performance on my machine and one thing that was mentioned was to limit the amount of items that the security log watches so the machine is not constantly writing to the log.

I am, however, not able to see where to make changes to this; on WinXP Pro, there is the local security policy and in there are check boxes that I can manipulate to my liking.

Can someone point me on how to do this using XP Home?


If you're looking to increase performance, that ain't gonna help much.

Advice ahead, only tackle what your skills will allow:

Disabling startup programs, disabling unused services, increasing the RAM, getting a better hard drive would show noticable improvments, but changing the security log won't do squat.

You could disable the entire event log. Right click my computer, click manage, click services and applications, click services, Right click the event log service, then click properties, choose disable in the startup type, then click the stop button and then OK.

Good luck.