Windows XP Clock troubleshoot


Jan 28, 2003
On my old machine when I used to mouse over the clock in the taskbar it would show me the day of week, month and day, and year. Now with my new machine it only shows the month and day, and year.

How can I change it so it shows day of week, month and day, and year?
ciggy50 said:
enough already :rolleyes:

Why? Whats wrong with his suggestion? Most of the fixes you see here are on google, and or Microsoft's knowledge base. His friendly reminder saying to check google is quite valid. I punched in the thread title word for word and came up with valid articles. Its not like he said "Use google, you expletive"
Eigtball said:
Why? Whats wrong with his suggestion? Most of the fixes you see here are on google, and or Microsoft's knowledge base. His friendly reminder saying to check google is quite valid. I punched in the thread title word for word and came up with valid articles. Its not like he said "Use google, you expletive"
1. Everything is on Google, it's like saying "look at the net".
2. If everyone used google to answer their questions, there would be no purpose to this board.
3. Since there is a message board, and we are using it there must be a purpose... We don't all use google after all. That purpose is to educate. Do you read google, how about the KB? No, you read the forums, which are a collection of thoughts you are interested in. No one read an encyclopedia, but there are many-many answers in there. Instead the encyclopedia is used in a class. Well, think of this as a classroom. Sometimes you teach, sometimes you learn.

I learn from threads I wouldn't have been interested in myself, but never reasearched on my own. Reasearch also takes time, times someone else may have already invested.

These tools are just that, tools. How you use them is up to you, sometimes people get creative ideas when discussing things....

I could go on for pages, and pages about why people come to forums. There are a million reasons.
Phoenix86 said:
1. Everything is on Google, it's like saying "look at the net".
2. If everyone used google to answer their questions, there would be no purpose to this board.
3. Since there is a message board, and we are using it there must be a purpose... We don't all use google after all. That purpose is to educate. Do you read google, how about the KB? No, you read the forums, which are a collection of thoughts you are interested in. No one read an encyclopedia, but there are many-many answers in there. Instead the encyclopedia is used in a class. Well, think of this as a classroom. Sometimes you teach, sometimes you learn.

I learn from threads I wouldn't have been interested in myself, but never reasearched on my own. Reasearch also takes time, times someone else may have already invested.

These tools are just that, tools. How you use them is up to you, sometimes people get creative ideas when discussing things....

I could go on for pages, and pages about why people come to forums. There are a million reasons.

Sure all those are great reason's. They are tools, but searching first is always a good way of starting. There are dozens of ways of troubleshooting, and since it appears that what The[H]uman was doing is just giving the user an indication that there is a tool available for him/her to use.

The forums are a great place to discuss current technology, and any good or bad issues revolving it. More often we see the later, as it is easier to post the problems then discuss the good parts. If you check out my posts you will see that they are mostly helping people and not tossing "google" in their faces. I am not advocating 'not' posting your question, but stating that there should be some primary research done before posting a question.

This isn't fair to assume that someone is being condescending when they mention google or other tools. I think someone said "Give a man a bag of rice, it can feed him for a week. Give a man the tools and knowledge, he can feed him self for life". He provided an answer and the tools, I was just defending his statement.


Nothing has helped me yet, I'm not looking for another program, just a way to fix the generic Windows Clock.

I have already looked on Google, to no avail. I guess it's an obscure question because all the sites I've looked for so far talk about other programs. Non that actually tell a way to fix the Windows Clock without making you use more RAM, loading another program at start up, etc etc etc.
Mojo said:
Nothing has helped me yet, I'm not looking for another program, just a way to fix the generic Windows Clock.

I have already looked on Google, to no avail. I guess it's an obscure question because all the sites I've looked for so far talk about other programs. Non that actually tell a way to fix the Windows Clock without making you use more RAM, loading another program at start up, etc etc etc.

Don't you have to change the size of the text in the apperance settings or something? I think that's what I did one time.
I'm not saying The [H]uman was being a jerk or condescending, far from it. After all he DID search and provide a link. :)

I'm just saying why 'use google' isn't really a good thing one way or the other.

I think I got it... Try increasing the size of your start bar to something like 3-4 rows tall. Does that display everything?

If so, you changed a font size and everything doesn't fit.
Phoenix86 said:
I think I got it... Try increasing the size of your start bar to something like 3-4 rows tall. Does that display everything?
Yes that works, but it's not what I'm looking for. I don't want it to display all that information all the time, only when I mouse over the clock on my desktop.

In your regional settings in the date setup, choose the long date format dddd, MMMM, dd, yyyy. For XP Remember to hit customize first!

ARGHkd;aflkjd;lfakj;sdlkjf;asdf <--- release of energy, because this one was bugging the shit out of me.
I don't see where you select that.

^^ I would post a screenie, but I can't connect to my FTP Space from work. But thats exactly where it is as Phoenix86 pointed out.
Finally it works!!!
Thank you. Now if people try to find the answer on google, it should be a little easier :).