Windows XP/2000 and DNS/DHCP Issues


Limp Gawd
Feb 26, 2003
Hi [H]

This is a post about a problem that I'm facing at work.

I look after the desktop projects team that are about to impliment SCCM 2007. Nice one eh!

However, there's a problem with the environment.

The AD is Server 2003, with DCHP and DNS being seperate 2003 boxs too.

DHCP is set to update the dns records for the clients via a dnsproxyaccount (as it is more secure).

The problem is though that our reverse lookups and client name resolution are not working.

So, if you try to mstsc onto a client with the hostname, you get the wrong machine!

Also, ping always returns the wrong ip address.

The issue is (I think) stale DNS records as clients do not have permissions to change their records as they dont have ownership.

Having done a SCCM pilot we find that less that 50% of clints returned valid inventory.

So, stale dns records are going to kill this projcet!!

Does ANYONE have an idea on how to solve this? The clients wont be able to update their records though - so I'll need another solution.

And just for fun, there are two dhcp servers that assign addresses and they are not linked. Every time you reboot you get a new address. Having asked the team responsible they say this is "intentional".


You might want to have a chat with the system administrator instead of talking to the other team(whatever team that is) because you're not going to get anywhere with the way things are as it is