Windows Vista Licensing Changes update

Sounds like MS will no release OEM version of vista to the general public.

Who will purchase the retail version of Vista while they only have the rights that is similar to XP OEM?
You may say *uck M$ but really would you want your expensive software stolen by people in the world and have them pass a valdation check? I have to agree with that one at least...
DARQ MX said:
You may say *uck M$ but really would you want your expensive software stolen by people in the world and have them pass a valdation check? I have to agree with that one at least...
I have no problem with someone reasonably asserting their property rights. Ignoring my underlying disgust for the current state of copyright law, the problem I have with MS's licensing terms is that it is detrimental to the experience that a legal user will have. Instead of being able to move his or her software from one PC to another, as the user upgrades, now they are forced to purchase a new, retail version every other motherboard. For this reason, the average upgrade price has just increased by ~$200 (since the user would want to get Vista ultimate, we are talking about "enthusiasts" after all) if it were not for publically available OEM licenses.

Please Microsoft, make the life difficult for pirates, not your customers. We deserve better, after all we are the ones who support you. :)
This one burns my ass:

With a retail version of Windows XP, there are no restrictions on the number of times you can transfer the software from one computer to another in your household or office. That's about to change for the worse in Vista, with only one lifetime transfer allowed. It makes the outrageous price difference between retail and OEM copies even more difficult to justify.

What the hell is that all about? I never pirated any MS product, but am always buying new computers. So, I have to buy a new copy for a new build? No way.
Scream And Fly said:
This one burns my ass:

What the hell is that all about? I never pirated any MS product, but am always buying new computers. So, I have to buy a new copy for a new build? No way.
if you have an OEM license: yes. However it appears that in the past MS was not very strict about this policy.
From what I gather, even with the retail windows xp license, that you have to buy a new copy of windows on your 2nd transfer. At least that is what microsoft is trying to say was always the case (lol). This is really going to hit the fan, and honestly, not to advocate piracy.. but moves like this are going to create it a lot if possible. There is no way most of us will put up with blowing 350 dollars every second upgrade we do to get a new copy of windows. What a joke.
I've been reading up on this last night. It seems there is a great debate about what actually constitutes a new transfer, versus re-activating on the same computer. This is the point I've stated in the other thread, will make take a wait and see approach. I was flamed for using rational thinking, but I digress.

Here's why I suggest we calm down, but keep a watchful eye on it. Most of us (who seem to be targeted by this change), don't do a wholesale system change at once. We may upgrade the HDD, or video card, etc. Quite a few places seem to say the motherboard is equated to the computer. If that's the case, this issue won't arise quite as often as some people think.

My point is, while this does seem like a stupid move, and very well could impact us in the future, no one person or site is quite sure of EXACTLY how this process will go. Microsoft is definitely aware that people like us don't want to be impacted, and don't like this idea. The claims are, they won't stand in the way of upgraders. However, as I've been saying, we'll have to wait and see. Does this mean I think it's all hogwash? No, as nothing is set in stone yet.