Windows Share - permissions issues


Supreme [H]ardness
Sep 29, 2000
Some time back, while rewiring my network, I was changing settings on my XP personal box. Can't remember why, but it was a year ago.

The sum effect is that it's pissing me off. I have a public share of videos and music that I share to my HTPC. However, anytime I add a new file or folder to this folder it is not accessible. The end client gets "Access is denied" when trying to open it.

To get around this, I just edit the NTFS permissions and add the Everyone group, then give it full rights. However, I have to do this to each and every file I add.

There has to be an easier way? Was there something I set a year ago to force it to act this way that I can revert?
How are you adding files to the folder? Remember that if you use the "move" command under windows, and you're "moving" the file within the same partition, the file will retain the permissions of the folder where it originated.. Hence, the permissions on those files will be different because the actual file hasn't changed, just the pointer to the file has changed.

Whenever Windows must create a file as a result of a copy or move action, the file will inherit permissions from the destination folder. So if you "copy" the file or if you "move" it from another partition, then it will inherit the permissions from the new folder because it's actually a new file..
If that doesn't explain the issue... What NTFS permissions are set on the folder itself? Does the "everyone" group have read permissions? What account are you using on the HTPC to access the share?
Ahh yes, all that old Windows security crap for 10 years ago is flooding back. I changed the perms on my transfer directory to give all child items Everyone access. That seems to have done the bit. Now, when I move my files from there to the HTPC folder they're working fine.
