Windows setup problem

Shay Ken

May 7, 2006
hi guys, I just got my new pc in, specs:

AM2 3200, Asus M2N-SLI Deluxe, 7900GT, OCZ platinum DDR2-800 and a samsung P120 200GB

now I'm trying to setup windows but I get this error after formating, I think it's when it's searching for the source files:

"the following value in the .sif-file used by the setup is corrupted or missing

value 0 on the line in section [sourcediskfile] with key "ati1xwdm.inf."

setup cannot continue press f3 to quit."

does anyone please know what to do? because I'm clueless.


damnit, I tried to restart the installation and I get this error:


see if new hardware blabla

error code:

STOP: 0X000000c2(0X00000007, 0X00000CD4, 0X00370034, 0XE13270F8)

please does someone know what to do?

well it's a smartpower 350Watt which came with the SLK3700BQE(not my idea, thank my dad)

I ran memtest, RAM in first slot = crapload of errors in first cycle, RAM in second slot = 2 clean cycles.

I thought it was a go and proceeded to install windows, I got to the part where the install all the other stuff and then I get this error:

STOP: 0X0000008E(0xc0000005, ox804ECf7A, 0XABD43BAC, 0X00000000)

what to do now? could it be faulty RAM? if so, how could I run through 2 cycles without a single glitch?
I bet your memory is fine. Your power supply is most likely giving the memory errors causing your computer installation problems.
hmm, how would I know sure.

I thought there was something fishy with the RAM error, cause I just ran memtest86 for 9hours! straight and no errors, while the RAM is in the second slot. but when I run it in the first slot I get loads of errors, why is this.

and is there a way to know sure before I go out and buy a new psu?
I don't know if it's still true or not, but that motherboard is extremely picky with RAM. In fact I've seen severeal cases where it would not post with the RAM you have. Good Luck