Windows Server 2003 -> Multiple Users - One Profile


Jan 2, 2005
Is there a way to have multiple user-accounts use the same profile?

Preferably by setting group-policies.
No. Someone is going to get on your case about how you shouldn't bother with this OS if you have to ask a question like that but I'll be nice and spare you. :p

Through group policy you can point everyone to a specific desktop and other shell folders but local settings, appdata, registry and other items are stored per user.

If you are in a domain then you can be specific about who gets redirected to this standard desktop and start menu. If you need more than that like Favorites, My Documents etc, then you can create custom ADMs that will map various Shell folders to specific locations that you specify.

If you are not in a domain then you have some script writing and registry work to do if you want to redirect more than just the Start Menu and the Desktop. It's not hard to do if you are familiar with these things.
Can't you create groups of users and/or computers that have the same settings?
underdone said:
Can't you create groups of users and/or computers that have the same settings?

Depends on which settings. You have a lot of control through group policy objects.
underdone said:
Can't you create groups of users and/or computers that have the same settings?
Yes but that is initial account creation. If I understood the OP correctly, he is looking to have everyone on the machine share the same user profile. The question still remains, is he looking for profile changes to persist or does he want them reset each time. If he is looking for the latter then the links that jonw757 provided will help him reach that goal. If not then he has some registry tinkering to do.

I'll reply tomorrow while at work but there are entries in the registry for controlling where the Shell folders and other profile folders are located.

There should be an entry for the actual %UserProfile% environment variable. I haven't tried this but you can open up DefaultUser hive from the %systemdrive%\documents and settings\Default User folder which is hidden by default and change the location there. All new profiles on that computer will have that setting.