Windows Partition Errors

Feb 6, 2005
i purchased a Dell a long time ago. through much of my own tinkering their are no parts received from Dell aside from my OS, windows xp home edition. ive reinstalled the OS before due to a HD failure. now, experiencing frequent problems with an ultra ata 40gb HD ive decided to purchase 2 new 80gb sata HDs. i am trying to reinstall windows onto one of the drives. i keep getting an error saying that the partition cannot support windows xp. i hooked them up w/ the HD that has windows on it and formatted them both to NTFS. they can both store data. how can i make a windows compatible partition on my new drives? any help would be greatly appreciated.
Does your SATA controller require a driver to see your drives? You may need to supply a driver at the begining of an XP install while booting from the CD.
Yeah some of the older mobos dont support installing straight to SATA drives. Either use the crappy installation floppy that came with your motherboard for SATA drivers when the setup starts or update your bios and hope it can autodetect them.
OK... you boot from the CD and it sees the drive as it should... How about the boot order in your bios? You may need it to be the first booting hard drive.