windows MCE2005 without tv tuner?


Feb 5, 2005
I'm wondering if I buy a copy of Win MCE 2005 and I dont have a tv tuner card yet can I still install windows and reinstal it later when I get a tuner card?
You definately do not need to reinstall. Just add the tv tuner and set it up from the MCE gui. just make sure you get one on the compatability list.
da sponge said:
You definately do not need to reinstall. Just add the tv tuner and set it up from the MCE gui. just make sure you get one on the compatability list.

yup, because thats what i did, MCE 2k5 was cheaper than XP Pro, so i jsut got that, and last week i just got a tv tuner card...just poped it in, and it auto loaded the drivers by its self.
spotdog14 said:
yup, because thats what i did, MCE 2k5 was cheaper than XP Pro, so i jsut got that, and last week i just got a tv tuner card...just poped it in, and it auto loaded the drivers by its self.
yeah but isn't MCE 2k5 based off of XP Home?

I could not get gpedit.msc to run on any MCE 2k5 machine at my old work
which is usually something that only runs on Pro machines