Windows is FUBAR. Explorer Crashes and more


May 5, 2003
Some of you helped with my boot issue on the same computer, but that got solved, but now, I'm at a loss...never had problems like this on my machine, and this is a fresh install!

I recently did a full wipe and reinstall (3 days ago), and things were running pretty well on the reinstalled system...then all of a sudden, yesterday afternoon, Windows Explorer began crashing at EVERY program open. Open Firefox? Explorer crash. AntiVirus? Explorer crash. My Computer? Explorer crash. EVERYTHING.

So, I restored a restore point from the previous day, when things were good. No dice....still crashes all the time (Explorer also crashed during the restore point console boot, but I still managed to complete it.).

BTW, the explorer crashes happen in Safe Mode too.

So, I tried a repair install of Windows. Well, now, the repair install is caught in a gets to "Installing Devices," goes about 70% through, then reboots and resumes the Installing Devices from the beginning. It looped about 3 times before I just shut the computer off.

What the heck is going on here? Does anyone have experience with this kind of oddity?