Windows install hangs on new system build Help!

Apr 30, 2005
Ok. here are the specs first

amd 3700 san diego / xp90
1gig corsair VS ram
msi k8n neo 4 platinum mobo
leadtek 7800gtx
nec 3200AG dvd-rw

maxtor diamondmax 10 200gig SATA 16/mb

Ive built computers before (this one im using) and never had this problem.
the mobo/bios recognizes the Maxtor drive right away, I have it hooked up to SATA 1 (never had 8 sata slots in a mobo before...i AM going to add 1 more sata and 1 IDE to this system)

anyways, I disabled raid, computer recognizes it fine, and when i boot from my XP cd, it goes through all the "loading blah blah blah" but then when it comes to the screen where it says "START WINDOWS INSTALLATION" or whatever that shit it does say...It HANGS.
No screen comes up asking me to format the hard drive. Nothing

I tried to install this drive in SATA 1 on this system with my current SATA drive and OS on SATA 0 and it wont boot. I wanted to format it that way, in windows, thinking that might be the problem. I already tried installing it as the main drive in my old system, but the motherboard/bios (Gigabyte 865pe chipset) will only format it as 131gig or so, losing the other 60+gigs.

WTF is going on here?
Can someone PLEASE HELP!!?!
1) Get the diag utility from Maxtor, and test the drive.
2) Make sure your Windows disc isn't scratched
3) Update your old system immediately, assuming it's XP. If it's cutting off at the 137GB barrier, that means you don't have even SP1 loaded.
djnes said:
1) Get the diag utility from Maxtor, and test the drive.
2) Make sure your Windows disc isn't scratched
3) Update your old system immediately, assuming it's XP. If it's cutting off at the 137GB barrier, that means you don't have even SP1 loaded.

I just got some MaxBlast bootable ISO from maxtor's web site. will try that

the windows disc isnt scratched (at least thats NOT the problem) because when i hooked up this drive to the old comptuer by itself, it made it past the START TO INSTALL WINDOWS screen, and prompted me to format the drive.

This old system here is fine, I have SP2 installed and the drives on it are full capacity, its just this one, when loaded in the OS, and running my oldschool XP install disc, it only sees the minimin 130some gigs
So you never get the point where it says " hit f6 to add additional drivers?? because you need to add the sata ones that came on floppies
hulksterjoe said:
So you never get the point where it says " hit f6 to add additional drivers?? because you need to add the sata ones that came on floppies

yes, i DID get the point.

I tried BOTH discs, BOTH times, ones labeled:

G72-NVSA041 For nVidia CK804& CK804-A2 SATA Raid Driver V. 5.10.2699.0479 For Win2k/XP

and the other one is the Silicom Image SATA Raid driver...but im not using RAID

I also downloaded a MaxBlast 4 boot CD image and used it...i thought i was making progress, i got in a partitioned the drive with the Maxtor software, made a Floppy disc with more Maxtor drivers that say are needed for win XP installs....USED THAT DISC when i pressed F6 on install.... and NOTHING

it STILL hangs at the START TO INSTALL WINDOWS blue screen. I tried hooking up this drive to my old computer, and it wont recognize it at ALL....yet when i go through windows setup on my old computer, it DOES make it past the blue screen where this new one hangs....but i just dont have a HD 'available' to install to.

im running out of ideas as to what to do.

I shoulda stuck with WD....never any problems.

now WTF are my options, to getting this to work.?
i got the same problem on one of mine up here....ive tried new cdrom, new ram, hdd, 2 diff cds....i had this problem once about 6 months ago and forgot how to fix it...sorry if i not any real help

oh ya...i also updated bios

ok...last edit...216251 ( How to Specify a Specific or Third-Party HAL During Setup
i did that and im workin great....geez...computers.........................
well after messing around and messing around and reading on the msi boards about problems with this drive and the neo4 platinum mobo...ive decided to give up.

im just gon' send this back and get a wd....always had luck with those anyways.

if anyone is looking for a new drive (maybe you will have luck) 200gig I'll sell it for 90.00 shipped.

let me know
A very late post but incase you want a work around for this issue the only thing I have found is hitting F6 on boot up * no it is not listed in the options while booting from the CD just do it anyways * and it will prompt you for a special type of setup that will allow you to install. I think it might hinder the performance a little but this must be a mobo issue. Hope this helps anyone else with this.