Windows Home Server Full x64 functionality working


Oct 29, 2005
This weekend I installed a Windows Home Server and was worried about x64 support, well it turns out a workaround has been found. I can confirm it is working 100% minus the automated backup feature. However, you can tell Vista to make a backup, and send the file to the server to achieve the same results.

Also, I have seen the negative threads about it, but since you are making automatic file backups, then I see nothing to worry about.
However, you can tell Vista to make a backup, and send the file to the server to achieve the same results.

Not to nitpick, but it's not even close to the same thing. One of the nicest features of WHS is the completely transparent backup process, and the ability to restore from a single CD. Running backup on the client and copying the file over is a PITA.
Also - the remote access doesn't seem to work very well (i.e., log into your home server's website and through that remotely access any of your network's PCs). I'm content waiting for Power Pack 1 to officially support x64 machines...
I'm also waiting for Power Pack 1. The data corruption bug bothers me, because I'm sure my wife would edit files right on the server from her PC. We are both running Vista x64 as well, so it just seems better to wait.
Can you all remind me of the glitch that is causing data corruption please...

Short version: editing files stored on your Windows Home Server, if the box has more than one physical drive, can lead to data corruption. MS has only been able to recreate this in a handful of applications, but has reports of corruption caused by a number of other applications. "Editing the file" encompasses any changes to the file, such as updating MP3 metadata on a file stored on your server, for example.

The full KB can be found at