Windows Home Server for sale.

$190 for the OEM version? Ouch. I was hoping it would be the same price of an OEM copy of Vista or XP Home (~$100). :(
Cool- I thought they were selling it as those hockey puck things.... Guess not.
Wonder how much it is goung to be here in rip-off Britain, I still dont know why it is so expenisve here for vista (at over 200 pound for home premium, come on that is a rip off!), even the OEM version of vista here is more expensive than the RETAIL in america !:mad:)

Dont matter all of my software i use is either from work or bought frrom USA.

P.S 1 pound is over 2 dollars now !!
Does Home Server support multi-user remote logins like 2003 or just one like XP/Vista? If it supports multi-users, then it's well worth the 190 bucks. Remoting into your computer without killing an existing running process can go a very long ways.
Got mine the other day. The PITA about installing is trying to find a place for 1.9TB of data to get the RTM version installed because installing Wipes the drives.
Managed to find a Magic way to get the connector software to instal on Vista Ultimate X64 (run this via elevated command prompt in Vista, msiexec /i WHSConnector.msi WHSMSI="RUNSETUP" Once installed disable backups in console.)
No Backups but...Dont need to connect via RDP either.
Once it is up and running with all my drives and data (back) in place, I'm quite certain that I will continue to love this OS for a LONG time.
Does it become a gateway to the rest of the computers on the network (like Remote Web Workplace) even if those computers are Home Premium?
If so- well worth $190.
rofl, ALL NEW VERSION OF WINDOWS $200, now comes with ssh and cron.... :rolleyes:
Question to those that have used it or are using it. How much data can it compresse down to? I read one review where they were saying they were seeing between 15 to 18 terabytes fit on a 300 gig HD.
rofl, ALL NEW VERSION OF WINDOWS $200, now comes with ssh and cron.... :rolleyes:

Most worthless post ever. If you have ever used the home server, you know how great this os is to the non server inclined of us. Windows home server is just about the easiest server to setup, my mother could probably figure out how to set it up and she can't set the time on a vcr. Its not all new either its basically a stripped down version of server 2003, with an application to help you setup the server and shares on all your pc's.
Question to those that have used it or are using it. How much data can it compresse down to? I read one review where they were saying they were seeing between 15 to 18 terabytes fit on a 300 gig HD.

You do realize that that is a 50 or 60:1 compression ratio right? I'm no expert but I believe that can in no way be possible, do you have a link to said review? Also, I use the RC version of WHS at home and I'm not sure I understand what you are asking, it doesn't compress the data it stores. As for the backups, they are drive images for each computer on the network with any redundant files removed to save space.
Yea- I'd be sold on that in a heartbeat if it could do that and still perform halfways decent (that'd be great techonlogy for business file storage even!).

But that much compression does two things:
#1- slows the system down trying to compress/uncompress it... how is it able to do anything with any amount of speed?
#2- compressing raises the corruption rate. How are they compensating for it?
Mines on order can't wait, heard tons of good things about it.
Mines on order can't wait, heard tons of good things about it.

If you have the need for it it will be great for you. Very easy to setup, works very very well. I just have no need, I played with the beta it was a really cool piece of software.
Mine should be at my door when I get home... Got a home built one with 1+ TB of storage going inside it... Going to backup my main rig and the two MCE boxes in the house... then possibly my lan rig and the laptop. Will post feedback if anyone is interested... Picked it up for $159+ S&H
I was going to pick it up sooner than later, but I think I'll wait a bit until the distribution get some competition going and creating a little lower price. Couple of months should see a price drop.
Mine should be at my door when I get home... Got a home built one with 1+ TB of storage going inside it... Going to backup my main rig and the two MCE boxes in the house... then possibly my lan rig and the laptop. Will post feedback if anyone is interested... Picked it up for $159+ S&H

I'm curious, where did you order it from?
Anyone seen any prebuilt WHS from the large oems?

Just a question of curiosity for you, since you have used the beta, munkle.

Since WHS is really just an OS for OEM builders, how do you find the hardware support? Could I just take my machine and slap it on (it has some common commodity parts from 2003)? I read a review on ars and they didn't really mention this. Does it use standard drivers for 32-bit XP/2000/2003 or such if you have some hardware that it doesn't support out the box?

Just curious, I don't see myself running a WHS since I am the only person actually using computers at home.
What advantage does this have over freeNAS??

Ease of use (very easy), it will back up your pc's automatically, theres a bunch of other little features that it has over freenas, but I haven't used freenas or WHS for quite a while so I don't remember.

Just a question of curiosity for you, since you have used the beta, munkle.

Since WHS is really just an OS for OEM builders, how do you find the hardware support? Could I just take my machine and slap it on (it has some common commodity parts from 2003)? I read a review on ars and they didn't really mention this. Does it use standard drivers for 32-bit XP/2000/2003 or such if you have some hardware that it doesn't support out the box?

Just curious, I don't see myself running a WHS since I am the only person actually using computers at home.
WHS is just a stripped version of Server 2003 (how many server 2003 features are missing I don't know), so if your hardware doesn't have any problem running server 2003 then it should be fine. I ran it in a virtual machine because the beta had a stupid 65gb hard drive requirement and only my main pc has that much hard drive space. I don't know if that requirement is still there though.
Ease of use (very easy), it will back up your pc's automatically, theres a bunch of other little features that it has over freenas, but I haven't used freenas or WHS for quite a while so I don't remember.

freenas can be setup with rsync, whic it automagically backups files as well.
freenas can be setup with rsync, whic it automagically backups files as well.

Simple fact is WHS is tons easier to setup and use than to try and fool around with linux/unix. You may not need the ease of use but there are plenty of people that want something that is easy to install and works right the first time.
I'm curious, where did you order it from?

I ordered it from eWiz. They were out of stock on em last I knew... sorry for the delay replying... So far works great, backed up all 3 boxes Ive attached so far + hosted files to my Vista MCE boxes.
I ordered it from eWiz. They were out of stock on em last I knew... sorry for the delay replying... So far works great, backed up all 3 boxes Ive attached so far + hosted files to my Vista MCE boxes.


So is it true that it wipes all the drives you install for storage? If so, that's going to be a tough pill to swallow.