Windows forgetting stuff????

Oct 16, 2007
Ok so since this install windows it seems has been forgetting things. Like my background wont appear sometimes and if I change it to something new the next time I reboot it wont be the new image. If I set all folders to be the same view after next reboot it will be back to the original way.

Just now I rebooted and Firefox erased all my bookmarks :mad: don't know if its Firefox's fault or not but im pretty peeved right now. I would like to know if anyone else has had this problem???

I doubt it the hard drive I did a extended test on it and it passed. All other components are basically new and have been tested in other computers just to make sure.

BTW im using XP right now.

Should I just bite the bullet and reinstall or install Vista Business??? I hate vista with a passion so I would rather not do that.
Weird, that definitely sounds like a hard drive problem... When you checked the drive did you run checkdisk or something else? Also, take a look in your system logs and see if any errors are showing up in there.
Just noticed this thread, I've been having a similar problem, I'll post the errors from the logs when I get home. I'm pretty sure its a HD Problem, but its so random I'm not rushing to fix it. In my case Firefox forgot that it had profiles, so did thunderbird, fixed that. A few weeks before XP forgot that the sound card was installed and forgot that it had a driver for it. Fixed that too.

EventID 51: An error was detected on device <device> during a paging operation.

Thats the one, and its the XP HD.
Yeah i did run checkdsk on it along with all the software i could download from western digital. I may go get a drive today as soon as ruckus is done downloading all my songs.