windows explorer open location


Mar 16, 2002
I have Vista U 64. I have a shortcut to windows explorer in the quick launch bar which opens to my documents folder. In WinXP I had a few shortcuts to w.e. but each one would open to a specific folder that I would go to often.

I cannot figure out how to have it open to a specific folder in Vista. Anyone have any ideas?
Just off the top of my head...maybe just right-click the folder you want to open in Windows Explorer and choose Send To --> Desktop (Create Shortcut). Once it's on your desktop, you can drag it to your quick launch bar if you want. You can delete the shortcut on the desktop after that if you don't want it in both places.
Just off the top of my head...maybe just right-click the folder you want to open in Windows Explorer and choose Send To --> Desktop (Create Shortcut). Once it's on your desktop, you can drag it to your quick launch bar if you want. You can delete the shortcut on the desktop after that if you don't want it in both places.

doh!!! Thanks dude. That worked. I was screwing around with the "Target" box in the properties and was getting no where.