Windows DHCP client problem


Mar 11, 2003
Hey guys,
I'm at a friend's house trying to fix their internet connection.

It's connected via a cable modem going into a netgear wireless router, but the computer is connected via standard ethernet. My dad's laptop can get online with wifi just fine, and if I give the friend's computer a static IP, I can ping things on the internet, but I can't get DNS access, so it's pretty much useless to my friend. I can not get the friend's computer (A Dell with a broadcom integrated NIC) to get an IP via DHCP at all. The laptop can get DHCP fine over the wireless, but the desktop can not. I've restarted the computer and restarted the windows DHCP client, but nothing seems to help.

Need suggestions fast while I'm still here ;)
When you assign your friends computer a static LAN IP, gateway...and DNS....what are you entering for the DNS servers? Some routers work OK if you just enter the routers LAN IP as your DNS server....others don't like that, they won't try entering the 2x DNS servers that his ISP assigns the routers WAN interface (check the "status" section on the routers web admin to get these)