Windows automatic updates issue

Nov 26, 2006
Ok so im fixing a pc for a friend. Its extremely slow so I ctrl+alt+del and check the processes seems an instance of svchost is at 95% cpu utilization and using about 114mb of ram...I was like HOLY CRAP. So I downloaded process explorer and checked what services this svchost instance was associated was automatic updates. This kinda made since because I was having problems installing the updates with this system...usually locks up when "initializing installation". Anyway so I decided I would just turn off auto updates and he could manually install them from now on. So I went to start>control panel>auto is the problem auto updates is completely greyed wont let me turn it off, change the date and time of installs etc. its completely uneditable...can anyone help me turn auto updates off?
Try resetting the computer. When it reloads, right click on Auto Updates in the System tray. It should have the options in there to disable.
Try resetting the computer. When it reloads, right click on Auto Updates in the System tray. It should have the options in there to disable.

thats a no go...I restarted and when the auto updates icon appeared in the systray I rightclicked it but that brought up the update screen asking if I want the express install or custom option to disable it
pigster is correct. The company I work at, I've had to install that fix on well over 60+ machines, one at a time! Easily one of the most annoying problems I've encountered in a while.
no dice. I downloaded the hotfix, installed it and restarted the machine. Automatic Updates window is still greyed out.
no go. I deleted the first two reg entries under "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Policies \ Microsoft \ Windows \ WindowsUpdate \ AU". But "HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ WindowsUpdate" doesnt exist. So I just continued to the group policy edit but when I go to start>run and type gpedit.msc it says it cannot be found? Any suggestions
No group policy with XP Home

Can't really say at this point, have you made sure all the services needed are started, etc?
actually after I deleted those first two reg entries I didnt do a reboot. After restarting I was able to disable auto updates. so it did work. Last question...besides turning auto updates back on (which isnt an option) is there a way to get rid of that annoying red blob in the systray telling me that auto updates is disabled?
NVM found it. Thanks for all the help guys and im sure my friend will be happy that his system is running good again:D