Windows act. with a LEGAL key


Limp Gawd
Aug 4, 2004
heres my problem, i am getting ready to build my computer.. i got my copy and serial key from my college. I want to use this key for my new computer but i have a feeling the keys not going to work because its used up on my other computer. any advice, somewhere to read or someone to call?
If you try and activate te copy, and it's used to many times, you can call a number and give them your installation ID, and they will give you 9 sets of numbers to type in.
Well since you have it on your original computer still and want to install it on a second you need a new key. It's a violoation of the EULA.
.Wiggles. said:
heres my problem, i am getting ready to build my computer.. i got my copy and serial key from my college. I want to use this key for my new computer but i have a feeling the keys not going to work because its used up on my other computer. any advice, somewhere to read or someone to call?
It it still installed on the old PC? If so you need a new license.

If not, is the license OEM? You cannot transfer OEM licenses from PC to PC, the OEM license is "married" to the first mobo you install it on.
Call Microsoft and tell them your HD crashed and that you need to reinstall, they will generate you a new key for free, you can use that key on your new computer.
just have your lawyer call uncle bill's people in india and demand that they give you a valid activation key or you will sue them!


Windows keys provided by educational institutions for the benefit of their students are volume licensed and in effect are treated as OEM keys. They are sold to students at an extremely discounted rate which covers the overhead of license management. The license restriction are that 1) You must still be attending the institution where you received your licensed key from 2) It can only be installed on one machine at any one time. As long as you are within these two restrictions you shouldn't have a problem.