Windows 7 with an Atheros L1 gigabit nic = random loss of networking


Sep 14, 2001
So I finally got a copy of Windows 7 Professional x86 after waiting a week for my school's MSDNAA to pick it up, and last night I installed it on my HTPC, which was running Windows Vista Ultimate x86 before. I used the Easy Transfer App to keep the basic settings for laziness purposes, but otherwise did a clean reinstall.

The problem I'm having is an odd one in terms of networking. It seems, sometimes, the network connection just completely drops out, and I have to disable/enable the NIC through Device Manager to get it working again. I can consistently get it to happen by scheduling a backup through my Windows Home Server machine of the HTPC- every time, after 2%, the connection drops. It also seems to happen after resuming from hibernation, but I've had it happen a few times after no noticeable changes, just surfing the web. Streaming movies and TV and what not from the WHS through 7 Media Center works fine however, which just makes me think it isn't some bandwidth thing.

In terms of network setup, I'm on a campus network, so I don't have control of any routers or switches past the jack in the wall. Connected to that wall jack is an 8port D-Link gigabit switch, and connected to that switch is a 5port D-Link gigabit switch, which my HTPC plugs into. The HTPC is configured for a Static IP. The HTPC has an Asus P5E-VM HDMI mATX motherboard, with an onboard Atheros L1 Gigabit NIC. It's also got two AverTV M780 PCI-E tuners, a Radeon 4850, and a BlueGears B-Enspirer sound card. CPU is an Intel E8400, and 2x2gb of G-Skill DDR2 RAM.

I'm fairly certain this is some sort of Windows 7 issue, either with some new setting, or some issue with the driver. I'm using the latest driver that was on Windows Update, but checking the Atheros web site gave a driver with the exact same version number as the one currently installed, so I didn't even bother. I've also tried turning off the "Allow Windows to turn this device off to save power" option, but that didn't fix it. Unfortunately I'm not that familiar with the networking changes Windows 7 has made, since I was waiting for the RTM before switching over, so I'm not even totally sure where to look for this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Use the driver you were using before. I've just done through this exercise. If your previous OS was working without issue use that driver.