Windows 7 Windows Search Issue


Extremely [H]
Nov 5, 2005
Not exactly and issue nor related to only 7, this affects Vista as well but I never got into deep.

First off, let me say that if you're using Windows Desktop Search in 7 then I don't know what you're problem is. I've read of folks who say that causes their systems to go nuts but I simply don't believe them. Never have seen WDS in 7 or Vista. But in 7 is does seem to run MUCH more smoothly. It really is mission critical for me now and when combined with HomeGroups and Libraries its pretty much a no brainer.

At any who, there is a file attibute called "allow this file to have contents indexed in addition to file properties". Sometimes with I download a document the attibute is uncheck and of course the file isn't indexed and you're like WTF and then you realize the issue. Even if the folder is checked for search some files just don't get the have the attribute set.

I was wondering if there is a way to enforce file attibutes some how. Thanks!