Windows 7 reboot problem


Apr 10, 2004
I am having a problem on a little shuttle PC that I was trying to put windows 7 on. It installs fine and all of that and it asks for the name of the computer and serial number and about the auto updates. Then once I get all that info in it reboots again and after it reboots it acts like its about to show me the starting windows screen but then the computer just reboots.

I don't have access to safe mode or anything. Anyone have any ideas on what this could be? I just put 2gb of ram in the machine so windows 7 would be faster. I ran a memtest on it for 12 hours so far and no errors.

It also has an old AGP video card in it. I have also tried this twice now with no luck.
I would suggest posting the specs of the shuttle, and fyi you're not required to put the key at the time of install. What media are you using to install Win7 a thumbdrive, retail DVD, burned DVD?
Its a Shuttle SN85G4V3 so its:

Socket 754 with a 2800+ AMD 64
Nforce 3 250 Chipset
80gb SATA drive
DVD-RW drive
GeForce 4 MX vid card (not sure of the exact model)
2gb (2x1gb) Kingston PC3200 Ram

Anyone have any ideas?