Windows 7 RC2 7200


Fully [H]
Feb 19, 2008

Seems to be very similar to the 7140 news we've been hearing about.

On a crazier note, is Microsoft already working on Windows 7 SP1 in order to entice businesses to upgrade to 7 since most wait for the first SP of an OS to ship? Or maybe this could be a very early edition of a SP that has fixes they know need to be made but won't be able to make it in the release time frame?

crazy crazy day ... :confused:
Ha, fake. It says they replaced NTFS with WinFS... there's no way they would do that at the RC stage lol.
image from anothers site
I'd say fake, due to the NTFS to WinFS move lol...

On a crazier note, is Microsoft already working on Windows 7 SP1 in order to entice businesses to upgrade to 7 since most wait for the first SP of an OS to ship?
And honestly this doesn't surprise me. Even as un-true as this old tired thinking is (all "waiting for SP1" did in Vista was gives drivers more time to mature), obviously for people still thinking that old way, they'd get more people to move over.
Hmm, I was going to install the RC today, but if there's anything legit to this, I'd rather wait for the new version. gah.
Ha, fake. It says they replaced NTFS with WinFS... there's no way they would do that at the RC stage lol.

It doesn't actually say they replaced NTFS with WinFS (which would be impossible since WinFS isn't a filesystem). It seems to says they improved NTFS by replacing WinFS with something better that they can't discuss.

Of course, WinFS was supposed to have been cancelled three years ago, So it being brought up at all is fishy.
This rumour sounds even more bunk than the last rumour.

Almost related:
Is anyone else going to being redirected to Or am I the only one who uses Live Search? :)
This rumour sounds even more bunk than the last rumour.

Almost related:
Is anyone else going to being redirected to Or am I the only one who uses Live Search? :)

Microsoft is making another run at Google.
LOL, not those two sites. If MS wanted to do marketing, it would "leak" it to cnet or WinSuperSite.

Good luck with that one... CNET's entire editorial process is ran off who buys the most ads on their site.
Heh, I was not expecting Bing until Wednesday, either.

I'll give it a shot this week I guess. Who knows, I might like it the best ;)
Is anyone else going to being redirected to Or am I the only one who uses Live Search? :)
Yes it redirects. I use when I want to find Microsoft KB stuff because it seems to find it better than google. is pretty nice. The image search is pretty good and it makes 'like images' easy to use and a little more effecient than google. The video preview thing sounds neat but the images are so small it's kinda pointless.

One thing I did notice about that I don't like is that you can't just throw random words in there and get results. Some times if I can't think of anything specific I just type in stuff hoping to quote someone in a forum somewhere to find help. You can't do that with as nearly as effecient as google.
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