Windows 7 RC and Compaq CQ-60 Laptop US-433


Apr 27, 2007
Hello, I was wondering if anyone could tell me some ways to speed up my laptop besides what I have already done so far.

Here is my process so far...
-Immediately killed system recovery (With 3 seconds of first load)
-Unchecked highlight new programs
-Got rid of default sample music, video, recorded tv stuff in username and public folders
-Set internet explorer to always erase history
-Turned off WMP12 history and id sending
-MSCONFIG - Killed all non laptop processes for next reboot
-Enabled WPA-2, NAP, DEP for everything, Connected via VPN Trueconnect
-Installed NOD32 (Realtime) locked with Blackspears settings file & AVIRA AntiVir 9 (Backup) - Two uniquely different scan engines and heuristics.
-Installed Comodo (turned off win7 RC firewall)
-Updated Windows 7 then rebooted
-Installed sony vegas movie studio 9 platnium pro, firefox, thunderbird, video download helper, and free download manager.
-Immediately set comodo to Defense + Safe Mode and Custom Policy Only. (Install all programs in clean mode then reboot one time, locking it on custom policy mode from then on.
-Setup my wallpaper, music and videos.
-Finally the last thing I did was switch my laptop into high performance mode under screen saver/power profile.

Now that you know my process, whatelse can I do to speed this system up since it is a laptop using a dual core T4200 processor with 4GB of ram.

I need speed for video and audio editing
Windows 7 appears to require alot of resources when using vegas 9. I see glitches all the time that do not occur in vista 64.

I have been using windows 7 since build 7000 beta off and on. 7100 seems more stable.
What is the differences between 7100 and 7600? I may just keep using the RC

I never use IE, Outlook, or Windows Firewall
I mainly use firefox and thunderbird with wmp12.

I am definately looking forward to build 7600 Oct. 22nd (Home Premium)
With vista I went ultimate - What a waste of $$$ - Home premium will suite me fine

Options for purchase (Install layouts):
Option A
Home Premium full version - One click install

Option B
Vista 64 Ultimate, SP1, SP2 (Before - Service Packs are Pre-requisite before windows 7 can even be installed), Finally one can install windows 7 upgrade.
At first I thought you were using a laptop with weak specs, but it looks good enough to run things just fine, even with all the fancy stuff turned on.

I guess, if you wanted, turn off the fancier visual effects...?

EDIT: I'm not sure of big main differences between the RC and 7600, but I've been using 7600 for about a month now, and it's speedy as hell in all scenarios.