Windows 7 My Doc Redirection via GPO


Jan 8, 2002
I have some 2008 r2 servers that we are migrating everything too....we do still have 1 2000 DC in the mix though until we are done fixing everything. The domain is on a 2000 functional level.

We are trying to redirect the users mydocuments via GPO to go to \\server\location\here\%username% using the folder redirection policy on GPO MMC.

The documents folder however is not being redirected.

We have ran gpupdate /force to make sure the policy took and rebooted. I don't understand why it isn't taking. Please help. THANKS!
Failed to apply policy and redirect folder "Documents" to "\\file\data\users\mainchamber\mpruett".
Redirection options=0x80001210.
The following error occurred: "Can not create folder "\\file\data\users\mainchamber\mpruett"".
Error details: "This security ID may not be assigned as the owner of this object.

is the error it shows. The folders are already created. We are replacing all of our old shitty XP pc's with new windows 7 ones.

The previous admins went to each PC and did it manually. I want to do it remotely because I am a firm believer in working smarter not harder.
Sounds like a permissions issue.

When using a wildcard like that %username% you should allow the system to create the folder on it's own.
not sure whether or not this is true, as I have not yet delved in to folder redirection...

The user needs to be the NTFS owner of the folder as well as have full rights to it in order for redirection to work properly. This sounds like what it is complaining about.

link in that thread points to here:

which says
1) Allow the system to create the folders: If the folders are created by the administrator, they will not have the correct permissions. But properly configuring the share and NTFS permissions on the server share is essential in providing a functional folder redirection experience.
Sounds like a permissions issue.

When using a wildcard like that %username% you should allow the system to create the folder on it's own.
As of right now we have all the users documents setup on a server. We are upgrading their desktops.We don't want to recreate all of their my documents folders on the server again.
As of right now we have all the users documents setup on a server. We are upgrading their desktops.We don't want to recreate all of their my documents folders on the server again.

Then you'll be manually fucking with the permissions for each folder, etc, how many users are we talking about here?

It may be easier to let the system create the folders like I said and then manually move their documents from the old share to new via copy paste, etc.
Then you'll be manually fucking with the permissions for each folder, etc, how many users are we talking about here?

It may be easier to let the system create the folders like I said and then manually move their documents from the old share to new via copy paste, etc.

Only 52...if this was a huge level thing. I would be very worried LOL But since I'm rolling these PC's out at like 2 a day it is no biggie.