Windows 7 is Gold :D

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Limp Gawd
Aug 31, 2007
A number of sources have now confirmed that 7600.16385 has been voted on and passed. Now the wait to see it on technet :). apparently the 24th? also, I dont think this is the same 7600.16385 released last week, it has been signed and recompiled.

Edit: I should of mentioned that this has not been confirmed by microsoft, and likely wont be until mon/tue. So take it with a grain of salt :(.
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Yea, until I see any official statement, I'll hold my breath.

A "number of sources" proclaimed RTM last week as well.
It's not done yet.

When the Windows Team blog announces, that's when it's solid. But at this moment, another rebuild is entirely possible, if only to get the final build string they're probably shooting for (6.1.7700.16386).

That's not set in stone perfectly undeniably accurate, just what I've been told from people at Microsoft. That was the intended final build number... which can still be created anytime they want.

So again...

It's not done yet. ;)
Um, only .1638x will change at this point in time. Final build will still have 7600 in it. That's how their OS's have always been. Why would they do something completely unheard of?
Just to piss people off, why else... ;)

They've been doing a lot of stuff recently that is totally unexpected and unlike Microsoft in the past... why stop now?
Just to piss people off, why else... ;)

They've been doing a lot of stuff recently that is totally unexpected and unlike Microsoft in the past... why stop now?

Yes, but pissing people off it not good business practice.

Wait, what am I saying, it'll go down like this... "Screw Microsoft, I'll just go buy... oh wait. Damn they got me. I'll wait."
With 95% market share, Microsoft could close its doors tomorrow and never make another product and still rule the market for 2 more years... go figure.

And they've been pissing people (and businesses) off since day 1, seems to have put them on top regardless. :D
They've probably been reading our posts about deactivation of the upgraaded Windows version, and are removing all checks for the Win 7 upgrade because of our complaints. Right? :D
Yes, but pissing people off it not good business practice.
And what percentage of their total customers are going to give a crap about a build number scheme, or even understand what a build number is? That has nothing to do with their customer facing business practices.
And they've been pissing people (and businesses) off since day 1, seems to have put them on top regardless. :D

Any large company is going to end up pissing off somebody eventually. MS especially will with how broad and large their product base is.
And what percentage of their total customers are going to give a crap about a build number scheme, or even understand what a build number is? That has nothing to do with their customer facing business practices.

Everyone on this particular site is a possible future customer, so pissing people off who are knowledgeable about this stuff is still, technically, not good business practice.
Everyone on this particular site is a possible future customer, so pissing people off who are knowledgeable about this stuff is still, technically, not good business practice.

What's the big deal? Does Microsoft rape your sister and mother every time they change the version number or something?
The only people that care what the build number is, is those who sit in front of the computer pressing F5 waiting for "7 is RTM!". Who cares what the # is? It will RTM the last 2 weeks of July and will be on Technet the same date, since it's already been announced, no matter what day it RTM's. So what the hell are you arguing about?
What's the big deal? Does Microsoft rape your sister and mother every time they change the version number or something?

Why did you quote me? I don't give a f*ck what they do. I was just saying it's bad business practice to piss off the customer.
Wow, this thread sure derailed real quick.

RSS the feed on windowsteamblog, you'll know the moment it's RTMed.
I certainly don't care when it is RTM because I still won't get it before Oct. 22nd anyway.
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