Windows 7 Install From Hell


Supreme [H]ardness
Apr 13, 2007
This chatlog says it all.

Kudos if you actually read it.

High0and0Dry (8:36:35 AM): hey there
bronco deuce 16 (8:38:24 AM): sup
High0and0Dry (8:52:32 AM): whats going on
bronco deuce 16 (8:53:01 AM): trying to install win7 without raid 0
bronco deuce 16 (8:53:57 AM): its more of a bitch than you would think
High0and0Dry (8:54:57 AM): what you mean
High0and0Dry (8:55:04 AM): your doing a different raid or single HD ?
High0and0Dry (8:55:11 AM): what type of HD ?
bronco deuce 16 (8:55:12 AM): 2 Hds
bronco deuce 16 (8:55:14 AM): no raids
High0and0Dry (8:55:19 AM): oh
bronco deuce 16 (8:55:19 AM): raptor x's
High0and0Dry (8:55:28 AM): just put them on seperate SATA
High0and0Dry (8:55:30 AM): ports
High0and0Dry (8:55:37 AM): make one primary boot in your bios
High0and0Dry (8:55:47 AM): i use ACHI
bronco deuce 16 (8:56:00 AM): i will try AHCI next
High0and0Dry (8:56:09 AM): your reinstalling windows right
bronco deuce 16 (8:56:14 AM): ya
High0and0Dry (8:56:21 AM): did you just get these HD ?
bronco deuce 16 (8:56:25 AM): no
High0and0Dry (8:56:28 AM): oh
High0and0Dry (8:56:38 AM): you need to make one of the primary boot in your bios did you do that ?
bronco deuce 16 (8:56:55 AM): i don't think that i can
High0and0Dry (8:57:10 AM): what mother board /
bronco deuce 16 (8:57:13 AM): i may be able to put a jumper in, i will check that if this doesn't work
High0and0Dry (8:57:21 AM): i think you have to because it won;t known which to boot off
bronco deuce 16 (8:57:22 AM): asus m2r32-mvp
High0and0Dry (8:57:30 AM): what chipset ?
bronco deuce 16 (8:57:36 AM): it's booting froma cd
bronco deuce 16 (8:57:40 AM): sb600
High0and0Dry (8:57:51 AM): yea i know you boot from the cd
High0and0Dry (8:59:12 AM): but you need to tell teh bios which is the primary HD with the OS
High0and0Dry (8:59:27 AM): you install win 7 on one hd
High0and0Dry (8:59:38 AM): then once you install it you partition format the other HD in windows
High0and0Dry (8:59:50 AM): then you have 2 drives not in raid
High0and0Dry (8:59:53 AM): thats what i did
High0and0Dry (8:59:57 AM): i have 2 HD too
High0and0Dry (9:00:08 AM): i have 1 80gb SSD and 1 640gb HD
bronco deuce 16 (9:00:24 AM): ya, about thaqt
bronco deuce 16 (9:00:40 AM): i tried with only 1 hooked up and it wouldn't go
bronco deuce 16 (9:01:04 AM): jumper settings shouldn't matter then
High0and0Dry (9:17:09 AM): well
High0and0Dry (9:17:13 AM): this is for SATA ?
High0and0Dry (9:17:21 AM): there are no jumpers
bronco deuce 16 (9:17:21 AM): this
bronco deuce 16 (9:17:22 AM): is
High0and0Dry (9:17:32 AM): lol
High0and0Dry (9:17:43 AM): try different SATA ports
bronco deuce 16 (9:17:50 AM): i just set it to AHCI
High0and0Dry (9:18:02 AM): make sure they plug in securely they tend pop out
High0and0Dry (9:18:07 AM): ok
High0and0Dry (9:18:10 AM): does it work
bronco deuce 16 (9:18:19 AM): setup is starting
bronco deuce 16 (9:18:21 AM): ...
bronco deuce 16 (9:18:25 AM): please hold
bronco deuce 16 (9:19:25 AM): i should be there in 30 minutes to 17 hours
High0and0Dry (9:19:35 AM): what ?
bronco deuce 16 (9:19:51 AM): till the setup is started
High0and0Dry (9:20:03 AM): so its doing its thing
High0and0Dry (9:20:12 AM): is this your first win7 install ?
bronco deuce 16 (9:20:16 AM): no
High0and0Dry (9:20:23 AM): oh ok which verison of win 7 ?
bronco deuce 16 (9:20:28 AM): pro
bronco deuce 16 (9:20:31 AM): 64 bit
High0and0Dry (9:20:36 AM): cool
bronco deuce 16 (9:20:49 AM): and my original raid 0 setup went much smoother than this
bronco deuce 16 (9:20:56 AM): this is just pissing me off
bronco deuce 16 (9:22:30 AM): setup was unable to create a new system partition or locate an existing system partition, See the setup log files for more information
bronco deuce 16 (9:22:43 AM): i have been getting that error all night long
High0and0Dry (9:29:54 AM): hmmm
High0and0Dry (9:30:03 AM): like i said check your bios
High0and0Dry (9:30:27 AM): see if there is an option to make one disk primary
High0and0Dry (9:30:43 AM): because i had a similar problem
High0and0Dry (9:31:10 AM): check the bios to make sure it detects the HD's
bronco deuce 16 (9:32:03 AM): it does
bronco deuce 16 (9:32:27 AM): itcan't make a primary though because they are sata
High0and0Dry (9:38:15 AM): yea should beable to make one hd the primary boot HD
High0and0Dry (9:38:23 AM): thats crazy if you can't
High0and0Dry (9:38:43 AM): how does it know which HD to boot from ?
High0and0Dry (9:38:43 AM): which is why i think your getting that error
High0and0Dry (9:39:07 AM): what you could try is install one HD and install win7
High0and0Dry (9:39:11 AM): then install your other HD
bronco deuce 16 (9:39:57 AM): i found a driver on the cd
bronco deuce 16 (9:40:18 AM): but now no driver are shown
High0and0Dry (9:41:48 AM): the driver is usually for raid
High0and0Dry (9:41:53 AM): right ?
bronco deuce 16 (9:42:09 AM): right
bronco deuce 16 (9:44:53 AM): loaded setup defaultsw
bronco deuce 16 (9:45:00 AM): lets see what she does
High0and0Dry (9:45:10 AM): yea maybe you need that
High0and0Dry (9:45:18 AM): but all the drivers are on the win7 disk
bronco deuce 16 (9:45:24 AM): well
bronco deuce 16 (9:45:27 AM): they should be
bronco deuce 16 (9:45:36 AM): ....
bronco deuce 16 (9:45:59 AM): and that did't load the dvd rom lol
bronco deuce 16 (9:46:46 AM): changed in bios
bronco deuce 16 (9:46:51 AM): lets try this again
bronco deuce 16 (9:47:04 AM): even if this works, i am gonna be very pissed
High0and0Dry (9:54:49 AM): did it work ?
bronco deuce 16 (9:55:29 AM): dunno yes
bronco deuce 16 (9:55:32 AM): yet
bronco deuce 16 (9:55:34 AM): *
bronco deuce 16 (10:08:57 AM): didn't work
bronco deuce 16 (10:09:14 AM): but i did reinstall my raid array and i can boot to it lol
bronco deuce 16 (10:09:31 AM): winows es fubarred
bronco deuce 16 (10:09:35 AM): lawl
High0and0Dry (10:14:18 AM): gotta be a bios setting
bronco deuce 16 (10:14:37 AM): or is it...
High0and0Dry (10:14:59 AM): it is because
High0and0Dry (10:15:04 AM): it doesn't know where to look
High0and0Dry (10:15:11 AM): it probably thinks its in raid
High0and0Dry (10:15:20 AM): or some sort of power cycleing error
bronco deuce 16 (10:15:35 AM): doubtful
High0and0Dry (10:15:52 AM): iam sorry
High0and0Dry (10:15:59 AM): did you do anything physically
High0and0Dry (10:16:03 AM): like take it out of the computer
bronco deuce 16 (10:16:04 AM): well
bronco deuce 16 (10:16:19 AM): i did remove a dvd rom that i think is bad now
High0and0Dry (10:16:28 AM): ok
High0and0Dry (10:16:37 AM): was the rom sata too ?
bronco deuce 16 (10:16:37 AM): and i had sex with the computer in the vacant bay
High0and0Dry (10:16:47 AM): what ?
bronco deuce 16 (10:16:48 AM): but that was more for my pleasure
High0and0Dry (10:16:58 AM): dude bodily fluids will fry it
High0and0Dry (10:17:24 AM): i dunno i have a ASUS p5Q
High0and0Dry (10:17:25 AM): pro
bronco deuce 16 (10:17:26 AM): it is still running right now...
High0and0Dry (10:17:39 AM): and i have to set which hd i want for my primary boot HD
High0and0Dry (10:17:51 AM): its a seperate menu from the boot order
bronco deuce 16 (10:17:55 AM): ask your girlfriend if she is ok, cause i put some fluids in her too
High0and0Dry (10:18:03 AM): lol
High0and0Dry (10:18:05 AM): wtf
bronco deuce 16 (10:18:19 AM): whoops
High0and0Dry (10:18:21 AM): why are you being nasty ?
bronco deuce 16 (10:18:33 AM): speaking of nasty....
bronco deuce 16 (10:18:46 AM): you would never believe what she had me do...
bronco deuce 16 (10:19:44 AM): one sec, trying to install windows
bronco deuce 16 (10:19:54 AM): i need to get those vids back somehow...
High0and0Dry (10:20:10 AM): come on iam just trying to help you
High0and0Dry (10:20:12 AM): out
bronco deuce 16 (10:20:32 AM): it's ok, its installing
bronco deuce 16 (10:20:43 AM): make sure that you have her make me a sammich
High0and0Dry (10:21:18 AM): are you doing raid or seperate drives ?
bronco deuce 16 (10:24:36 AM): raid 0 lol
High0and0Dry (10:24:49 AM): lol wtf
High0and0Dry (10:24:52 AM): you didn't solve anything
High0and0Dry (10:24:59 AM): raid is better anyways
bronco deuce 16 (10:25:00 AM): you are correct sir
High0and0Dry (10:25:06 AM): stick with raid
bronco deuce 16 (10:25:13 AM): btw, how IS your girlfriend doing?
High0and0Dry (10:25:14 AM): maybe you needed to format the drives first ?
High0and0Dry (10:25:25 AM): Why do you keep talking about her ?
bronco deuce 16 (10:25:42 AM): i am just concerned
I would get a utility like UBCD4Win, boot up to it, and get into disk manager. Right-click the disk that you're installing Windows on, and select it as the ACTIVE partition. Reboot. This will tell the computer to use that as the boot partition. It sounds like that's what you guys were getting at in the chatlog.
Not casting stones here...but let me get this straight...He can set up a bootable RAID array, yet he doesnt seem to grasp the fact that he needs to set 1 hard drive as the Primary drive,regardless of it being SATA?:eek:

Dude...way too funny...and yet sad at the same time....:D
lol, i was smashed when i set the array up this morning, i had been up all night long. i ended up putting it back into raid 0 and got everything up and running. what was pissing me off last night was i pulled 1 of the raptor's power so only 1 hard drive was hooked up and windows wouldn't let me do anything with it. very annoying when you are drunk... xD
bronco deuce 16 (9:22:30 AM): setup was unable to create a new system partition or locate an existing system partition, See the setup log files for more information

I ran into this problem before when I was installing Windows 7 for my little brother. Gave him an 80gig hdd that used to be part of a raid0. Windows 7, for the life of me, would not install or could not find an active drive even after I loaded the motherboard sata driver. I ended up giving up on the Windows 7 install after a few hours and started to install Windows XP Pro when I noticed that the drive was still being detected as part of the raid. Delete the raid information off the drive via Windows XP install disc and WIndows 7 install like normal..