Windows 7 help needed, Windows installed on two hdd's, how to switch "system" part?


[H]F Junkie
Jun 4, 2002
My specs:
Windows 7
M4 128gb ssd
WD 1tb black HD
gtx 580.

A while back I had a problem with my computer. I ended up having a blue screen and then was unable to get past post into my desktop (even in safe mode). windows repair wouldn't even work either. Before this bluescreen I had some windows updates but didn't restart (clicked postpone) but then got that bsod. The error and from tinkering around through the logs I could find via windows boot disc It mentioned about the update process failing, so I assumed that was the cause.

So what I did, since I couldn't even get into desktop and since I had data on the drive I wanted to recover/keep, I ended up using my WD drive, I partitioned a part of it off and then I installed windows 7 to that partition. Once I got it setup, could load into windows and see my SSD and everything I moved what data I wanted to a backup, then I formatted it and went about installing windows 7 back to it.

So I have been using it a little over a month now thinking it was ok, but yesterday I got a blue screen, but unlike last time it let me back into windows. However it seems that after using the HD for a little while it'll just bluescreen, freeze up, or simply restart on it's own.

I plan to RMA it but in the mean time I went back to using my WD drive that I already had windows 7 installed to. Now when I start up windows normally I get the boot manager screen with two "Windows 7" options to pick from, the top one is my M4 ssd install and the bottom is my WD install

I noticed that while on my WD drive, after so long my SSD would just disappear, it wouldn't show up in my computer anymore or in disc manager. I figured "oh well, going to rma it anyways" BUT then my problem came.

I restarted my computer this morning and because it didn't detect my m4 ssd I couldn't even boot into a windows, even though windows 7 is instlaled on both hd's. I could select my WD drive in my bios boot to have it boot from there, but it wouldn't. I restarted a few times until finally the m4 drive was detected, and if I boot form it it shows my boot manager and I can boot into my WD drive fine.

So I'm trying to figure out why I can't boot from my WD drive. Looking through the windows storage manager it lists my m4 ssd drive as "System, Active, Primary partition." Then the WD drive is listed as "Boot, Page File, Active, Page File, Crash Dump, Primary Partition."

So am I correct in assuming because my m4 drive is "system" that's why I need to have it to be booted from?

Is there a way to change it so that my WD drive is the "system" drive without formatting or anything or what?

Really appreciate any help, thanks.
This is sketchy, but I think if you boot into Windows (or off your Win 7 DVD and press shift-F10 to get a cmd window), you can open cmd.exe as Admin and execute the command "bcdboot x:\windows" where X: is the WD drive, and it might fix your issue so you can then boot off the WD drive from the bios without going through the bootloader on the SSD.