Windows 7 Backup Image Feature/Restore Problem


Oct 29, 2005
I made a temporary setup on a 1tb 5400 WD green drive and needed to get the hard drive image moved over a brand new 1tb 7200 Samsung F3. So I ....

Completed image backup feature in windows
Saved it to a USB external drive
Removed the 5400 drive
Restored image to 7200 drive

Everything work perfectly fine up until the point where I reconnected the older 5400 drive to use as a spare drive in the system. It seems like windows will crap out and require a reinstall or restore if I recconect the older drive the system was originally on. I even move the older 5400 drive to another pc, reformatted, then reconnected it and it didn't solve the problem.

So a transfered hard drive image seems to never allow the old original hard drive back on despite the fact that it is reformatted and blank. Is there anyway to get the old hard drive back in the system without crashing windows. The newer system drive is completely useless and gets system errors if both are connected.
Is it being connected internally on the SATA controller? or through some type of USB dock?

Other thing I would try is maybve hook it up to another system, and using disk management just delete the partitions so the space is unallocated, then try hooking it up to your system thats having issues.
Is it being connected internally on the SATA controller? or through some type of USB dock?

Other thing I would try is maybve hook it up to another system, and using disk management just delete the partitions so the space is unallocated, then try hooking it up to your system thats having issues.

The 5400 original hard drive has been installed and it was reformatted on another pc. It just seems to replicate the problem as soon as I shut down and reconnect it to the PC it was originally on.