Windows 7/8.1 update "fun" starts today... only rollups


Extremely [H]
Oct 22, 2000
If you only want the security updates, you'll have to download and install it outside of Windows Update. Links to 7 and 8.1 are here: Don’t install any updates yet – but here’s where to find them @ AskWoody

MS is supposed to make the Update Catalog compatible with other browsers, but I think it still only works with IE right now. The security updates only patch do not show up in Windows Update.

Just as a heads up, if you don't want your system to have Windows 10-style telemetry and spying, be sure to NOT install KB 2952664 (back, again, for the nth time) or KB 3185330 (the rollup update package).

Be careful out there.
Is it wrong that i wish terrible terrible things upon microsoft ? stuff I couldn't say here or I might get banned...
Thanks. I just noticed my main W7 rig having issues with the update service hanging last night. Time to just turn it off for good I guess.
I was stupid, I'd read about these updates that were coming a few days ago, but tonight I got the notification for my laptop with Windows 8.1 and let them run through without thinking, I completely forgot.

It blue screened during the restart phase and now it cannot boot at all, telling me "Windows boot manager has been blocked by the current security policy." And now I'm in for a night of trying to bring it back to life.

My blood is boiling right now. This is unforgivable.
Is it wrong that i wish terrible terrible things upon microsoft ? stuff I couldn't say here or I might get banned...

We're adults here, son, you can say shit piss fuck cocksucker motherfucker and many many other words as long as you're doing so in a creative manner. ;)
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