windows 2003 server networking problem


Limp Gawd
Mar 21, 2002
I recently setup at winodws 2003 server and am trying to connect it to my home network.
The workgroup name is BASEMENT and i have that properly configured however when I go to connect to the work group i get the following error: You don not have access to the resource. contact sys. admin.
windows was not able to find the list of servers for the workgroup.

In network places i can see the workgroup but i cannont access it.

This is a fresh install. besids adding an additional admin. account and turing on the windows firewall I have done nothing else to the system.

I have ran windows update on this machine and also get an error w/ vssapi.dll, but i dotn think that is causing this.

The other machines on the network, a xp pro and xp home can both see each other and can see the server in the workgroup but cannot connect to it.

The xp pro machine is currently running ics w/ its own firewalls. yes i have tried this w/o the firewall however it still didnt work. Im looking to replace the xp pro maching w/ 2003 to use as a file server.

Any insight as to why windows networking is not working on 2003?

also does anyone know if i reinstall windows 2003 on the same machine(if i can't find a fix to the vssapi.dll prob) if that will mess up the product activation?

Have you added the other users to the win2k3 server with the same name and passwords?
yea, I tried that, didnt work
Im going to move ics from my xp pro machine to 2k3 server machine, i know when i had 2k server running that it like that better for the windows networking to funciton, I have a feeling this may be the same thing