Windows 2003 Server + Game Server Optimization


Nov 16, 2007
Just wondering if anyone could help in the optimization of a windows 2003 server.Its primary role is for game servers.....

The main games are americas army and battlefield.I currently have one AA server running with 26 slots open.

Server Specs

Its a HP proliant DL145 G2

AMD Dual Core Opteron 275

Basically im after windows settings and optimizations.


processor scheduling - is it best on Programs or Background Services

Memory Usage - is it best on Programs or System Cache

Things like pagefile...ive heard this can make a big difference especially moving it to another drive but you must create a small one on C drive at minimum and maximum set to 50MB's ????

Any other help would be greatly appreciated.
If you are going to move the swap file to a completely different drive, that is fine. It may help with performance. How much, I do not know. As far as the small swap file on drive c:/, there is no need for it. You would then have two swap files. Someone correct me if I am wrong, but I do not even think Windows would know how to handle two swap files?

As far as the processor scheduling, try both and see which works better for you. If you are running two at once, try background services. This will supply equal amount of processor usage to each program. If you are going to run one at a time (which I would think would be best), I would think the program setting would work better for you.

Just my $.02.
Thinking about running 3 to 4 actually.....i see game server companies with about 3 on each machine....i wonder if its possible or what specs they run...but i will try what you suggested...

Any other tips for a noob :)