Windows 2000 Server antivirus software


Nov 7, 2003
I am looking for a free verison for 2K server.

Please let me know what you know works great. I did have AVG, but when they went to new verison it wouldnt let me install it. I now have AntiVir PE, and i am not really liking to much. Now this server is just a file server, do i really need a antivirus program on it?

UPDATE, now this server is not even connect to the out side world, only people with in the office can access the server.
Yes, and no.

Yes you should have one to protect the machine if its in any type of production environment, which I imagine its not and its just a lil home file server.

No, not really if you have it behind a firewall on your lan and you just use it to dump files to. Just make sure any files you save to it are scanned by the desktop/client that opens them.

As far as free products go...there's not really much of a choice in the server market. If you found something thats working and updating signatures for free, I'd say keep it.