Windows 2000 install problems


Apr 21, 2004
So I am building a new computer for my friend, everything went fine untill I went to install win2000. After the hard drive gets formatted and windows installs, normally the computer re-boots and asks for the CD key then installs the rest of the OS. Now what is happening is when It reboots, it trys formatting the drive again. I checked all the bios setting and they seamed correct. CD was the 1st boot device, HDD seccond. ( the only 2 drives in the system) .

Has anyone run into this problem before?
Clarify what you mean by "tries formatting again". Does it run through the CD boot process again, as if it's trying to set up Win2000 again? Or is it some other utility that runs?
Easy enough

Make sure you bios is set to boot from CD.

If the install process doesnt get complete correctly it starts from step 0 all over again.
Sounds like it is booting from the cd the second time and restarting the windows install. What you could try is when the computer wants to restart before putting in the cd-key change the bios so that the HD is the first boot device and see if it starts windows. Post back with results
I've had this problem on an old Compaq server. It was because SmartStart had set the wrong SCSI controller as the primary. But, I don't think that applies here.
AcidTone said:
Sounds like it is booting from the cd the second time and restarting the windows install. What you could try is when the computer wants to restart before putting in the cd-key change the bios so that the HD is the first boot device and see if it starts windows. Post back with results

Will do, it might be bad firmware in the CD drive, since its older. Will try when I get home tonight.
well, I tryed 2 different HDs and 2 different CD drives ( one is 4 months old ) and still the same result. Maybe I am overlooking some setting in the BIOS , but I dont think so. i am stumped. :(
what does your boot order look like in the bios... you didnt remove the option to boot from the hdd by accident did you?
Another thing you could try is to actually pull the cd out after it copys over the files, reboot and see what that does. If you get any error messages let us know may help.
I tryed ( boot device ) 1/ cd 2/HDD then I tryed 1/hdd 2/cd

no workie. I did pull the cd after the 1st stage of the install , it still looked for the cd when It rebooted and had a general disk boot error with no message ( or error # ) :mad:
Does the CD have scratches or any thing on it? I had problems with my winXP cd when it was scratched up it did some really funky things.
Do I get an answer to my question above, or should I keep guessing?
AcidTone said:
Does the CD have scratches or any thing on it? I had problems with my winXP cd when it was scratched up it did some really funky things.

Nope, I built another computer the day before for a co-worker and everything went fine.

I am going to swap out the cables tonight and maybe thats the problem.
djnes said:
Do I get an answer to my question above, or should I keep guessing?

Sounds like it is booting from the cd the second time and restarting the windows install. What you could try is when the computer wants to restart before putting in the cd-key change the bios so that the HD is the first boot device and see if it starts windows. Post back with results

yup that ;) :(
Okay, now that I know what's happening, it definitely sounds like it's booting from the CD again without ever checking the HDD. For the time being, I would remove the CD from any of the boot options, and make the very first option the HDD. I've seen older computers do this, specifically, where they don't by pass the CD.
djnes said:
Okay, now that I know what's happening, it definitely sounds like it's booting from the CD again without ever checking the HDD. For the time being, I would remove the CD from any of the boot options, and make the very first option the HDD. I've seen older computers do this, specifically, where they don't by pass the CD.

I have also been reading and double check make sure you have a good copy (cd)
ok, I figured it out, for some reason windows 2000 did not like the hard drive. I swapped it out with another and it worked fine. Funny thing is that I could load Linux on the HD that Win2000 didnt like.

Quite odd.! :confused: :(
Run a manufacturer diag on the drive, all diag tools are on the ultimate boot CD, link in sig.

edit: If it passes you may try formatting the drive FAT in DOS, then try letting 2K do it's format with NTFS.
Phoenix86 said:
Run a manufacturer diag on the drive, all diag tools are on the ultimate boot CD, link in sig.

Ya thanks, its wierd.

LOL you always put links in your sig.. thanks!
DR_K13 said:
I tryed ( boot device ) 1/ cd 2/HDD then I tryed 1/hdd 2/cd

no workie. I did pull the cd after the 1st stage of the install , it still looked for the cd when It rebooted and had a general disk boot error with no message ( or error # ) :mad:
I usually keep the CD in the drive until after it tells me to take the CD out of the drive. I also do this before I reboot the computer.

Installed Win2k on my machine, my roommate's machine, and several others, with no problems (well, one computer, but that thing is a clusterf**k.)