Windows 10 update + Chrome randomly don't work?


Aug 6, 2003
Curious problem that's been happening to me randomly on Windows 10. Sometimes when I wake my desktop rig from sleep, I can't open Chrome, or go into Windows 10 update. Also if I try rebooting it will just hang at the restarting screen until I hit the hard reset on my tower.

Not really sure what to do? Should I just chalk it up to Windows 10 growing pains/bugs ?

I've been on Win 10 since July 2015 and this only started happening in the past month. I'm on a clean install.

Any ideas?
If its was me, I might do a "reset this pc"..I had to stop using sleep function on my main pc do to really bad usb power surges......gets old buying new usb devices. I cant commit on sleep issues since i cant use it anyway..
When did the issue start? what software is running while it happens? it almost sounds like you may have some corrupted files. Have you run the sfc /scannow? and what build you on?
I ran sfc /scannow when I got home and it said Windows found corrupted files and repaired them.

Should I do a fresh re-install anyway?
which ever is easiest for you...."Reset this pc" under recovery works wonders if your already on latest build (odds are you are)..clean install from usb flash can be very fast as well....i find scannow will find errors from when it doesn't even appear to have any issues....but in your case there is
Since it's random and only happens once every 1-2 weeks I'll have to wait and see if it happens again, if it does, I'll just do a clean re-install.

Thanks for the help!