Windows 10 Pro OEM key with Windows 10 Home Retail USB


Limp Gawd
Dec 3, 2005
Ok, simply to keep to me from having to fish my DVD drive out of my current PC when I build my new PC, can I use my Windows 10 Pro OEM key (brand new, not used yet) from the OEM DVD with the Windows 10 Home retail USB stick (used it to build my parent's latest computer)?

I suspect the answer is yes, and that the Windows 10 installer will install all the Pro components (either off the stick or via internet download), but I wanted to double check before doing the install.
Yup, I do it on all our new builds. The OEM discs are a pre-1511 build and it's a waste of time to install from the disc when I can install 1511 from a faster USB 3.0 thumbdrive.

You are most likely to face an issue with the activation since the OS version is different (Pro & Home), however, its worth trying.
Do let me know what happens.

Actually I used the Windows Home machine to make a new USB install stick. I used that for my install, and it took my OEM Pro key, no problem.
Yeah, I think they added the ability co change OS versions by just typing in a corresponding product key.