Win2K3 SBE & Login Scripts Question


Jun 24, 2001
1) What is the use of the Win2K3 SBE login script (SBS_LOGIN_SCRIPT.bat)? Does this need to run EVERY time the user logs in or just once? I have a vbs login script I would like to use but am worried about no longer letting the current login script run.

2) Is it possible to use specific usernames when mapping drives using a vbs script? In command line login scripts I could use:

net use x: \\server1\path\ /USER:bob

my vbs scripts look like:

Dim objNet
Set objNet = CreateObject("Wscript.Network")
objNet.MapNetworkDrive "X:", "\\server11\path"

But I have no idea how to make it map with a specific user name.

Any assistance would be really appreciated!!

Hmm I never use login scripts for individuals just groups. Otherwise scripting would be a pain and would take to much time, then again I might be a shity scripter :p hehe. I also use Kixtart my self.
Thanks - but does anyone know if I can remove the default login script that SBS provides each user and replace it with my own?
