Win2003 SP1 Issue


Limp Gawd
Jul 6, 2001

Earlier this morning i tested sp1 on our domain BDC, and to put it politely screwed it up..

when it rebooted everythign was fine, except no one could see the server, and the server could see no one else

all harware was funtioning as it should, and the machine 'said' it was connected to the domain but nothing was coming in or out

does anyone know what might be casuing this? even ideas are good for me to look into

i am pretty sure it is just win2k3 being super secure..

i have searched google and KB articles but cant find what im after..

i have now reverted back to pre-sp1 and all is well again (thank god)

so, if anyone has any insight into what is going on it would be greatly appreciated!!

thank you

no idea, running 2k here.... I had a similar problem with the exact same symptoms. It was a bad driver on my Intel nic... I reinstalled the driver and BAM it fixed it.

oh really?

hmm.. i might try that, but its a right arse to test succesfully

thank you

any more for any more?
Elaborate on the othe machines "not being able to see the server" Can you ping it when SP1 is on there? By name and IP? What errors are you getting when you try to map a drive? Browse using the UNC path? Incidentally there is no such thing as a BDC in a post NT4 windows domain model environment.
I doubt microsoft is this dumb but check ICF i know sp1 for w2k3 turns it back on. I have installed is sucessfully. been running it fo6 6 weeks or so.
ktwebb: i cant ping another server, or it from another server, i couldnt do that so i didnt even try mapping a drive

ok what is the proper name for the a bdc in a windows2k3 network? secondary AD ?

oakfan52: hmm i think the firwall was turned off becasue it kept asking me if i wanted to turn it on! perhaps i should clicked yes...

i think ill move the dhcp server to another server and try again in the morning

all good things for me to check when i install it again :D

QwertyJuan: i coudlnt find any updated drivers for my NIC :(
running sp1 on my PDC never had a problem, though I think I patched it b4 running dcpromo.

I believe that W2K3 does not entertain the notion of BDC/ secondary domain controller anymore. It is a multi-master model where updates at any DC will be replicated to the other DCs according to your replication configuration. There are some roles for which there is a single master (FSMO roles), which would be the 'PDC' equivalent.
Windows 2000 and Windows 2003 Server to my knowledge do not have the concept of BDC/Secondary domain controllers. When Microsoft took LDAP and made their own propritery version of it they did away with that.
This is all true guys... but it has absolutely nothing to do with this guys question... whether he wants to call it a PDC or BDC doesn't tell us what is happening.

QwertyJuan said:
This is all true guys... but it has absolutely nothing to do with this guys question... whether he wants to call it a PDC or BDC doesn't tell us what is happening.


Thank you! Geez. Hijack adverted.
hey guys..

was moving house last night so didnt get on to the interweb, dont hate me for having a bdc :)

i have recently inherited this system, and this other 'domain controller' is seriously due for retirement

the main one is a dual p4 with 4gig of ram, and the backup is a single p3 with a tiny hard drive.. bit of a missmatch!

anyway i have investigated sp1 and read up about it, i didnt seem to have any conflicts wiht software or configuration (to my knowledge) so i decided to test it out.. to my peril

ill try it again in a week or so hopfully with even more info regarding current problems, got alot on atm

i was under the impression that if the firewall was off on install it would stay off.. oh well guess i was wrong!
Basics man.. basics.

What does IPCONFIG tell you?
Does it still have the same IP address as before? Has the subnet changed?
Can you ping the gateway from that SP1 machine?

NIC: put the newest drivers on anyway. Go into the NIC config and make sure you turn OFF the "allow the computer to turn this device off" checkbox.

start-->run--> EVENTVWR.MSC is your friend. Any services not starting?

We'll get you up..
BGM said:
hey guys..

was moving house last night so didnt get on to the interweb, dont hate me for having a bdc :)

i have recently inherited this system, and this other 'domain controller' is seriously due for retirement

the main one is a dual p4 with 4gig of ram, and the backup is a single p3 with a tiny hard drive.. bit of a missmatch!

anyway i have investigated sp1 and read up about it, i didnt seem to have any conflicts wiht software or configuration (to my knowledge) so i decided to test it out.. to my peril

ill try it again in a week or so hopfully with even more info regarding current problems, got alot on atm

i was under the impression that if the firewall was off on install it would stay off.. oh well guess i was wrong!

No it will wturn itself back on on install.
oakfan52 said:
No it will wturn itself back on on install.

You're saying SP1 for 2003 will turn the firewall on? I've done about 10 SP1 installs here on live boxes and none of them have had the firewall come on. Not sure if it'sbecause ICS is off by default on all of them, but I haven't had to touch a thing going to SP1.
sorry this is my bad.. i actually did all those things but just havent said :(

ip address is same as before, subnet hs not changed, gateway is the same still attached to the domain (apparnetly - but i think it lies)

i cant ping anything, nothing can ping it

i downloaded the latest nic drivers.. no effect didnt even try to take the new ones i gave it

ill move the dhcp server to another machine tomorrow and try this again.. it wont matter so much if it stays offline for a while while i try to fix it then..

so ill get back to you then! after patching software and a fun night of reading more documentation


EVENT LOG??? If a DC can't talk you WILL have a tone of stuff in the Event Log. Check basic services as well.

from a command prompt type net config server.
Is it hidden? Does it say the server is active?